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Divorce lawyer exposes top five professions women should avoid when finding a husband

Divorce lawyer exposes top five professions women should avoid when finding a husband

I'm sure your relationship with anyone working these jobs will turn out fine

A divorce lawyer has run through the five top professions that she reckons women should avoid when looking for a husband.

TikToking family lawyer KK, who has over a decade worth of experience, took to the site and thought she'd share what she'd been told be a colleague about the top professions men had that women should avoid when looking for a partner.

At first, she thought it was a bit odd and wondered if you could really single out any jobs as better or worse to be involved with, but over the years came to see that there was actually something to it.

The lawyer stressed that being hitched to someone in a particular line of work 'doesn't mean you're doomed to failure', so don't start working that ring off your finger just yet.

She did say, however, that she'd found men in these five professions 'tend to be more narcissistic' and 'tend to be more controlling', which might explain something.

If you want to climb the fireman's pole then be our guest, but a lawyer warns it might not end as you hope. (Getty Stock Photo)
If you want to climb the fireman's pole then be our guest, but a lawyer warns it might not end as you hope. (Getty Stock Photo)


Stressing that these jobs were listed in no particular order, she said that when it came to firefighters being on the list, she 'never really understood that one, but it's on there'.

The lawyer added that having a job like this doesn't immediately guarantee you're a 'bad husband' or anything, it was just 'generally speaking something that I've observed'.

"How's married life been treating you?" "Just don't, alright?" (Getty Stock Photo)
"How's married life been treating you?" "Just don't, alright?" (Getty Stock Photo)


The thing that tied together all five of the jobs was one correlating factor, at least in her experience.

She said: "The men in these professions, they're gods in their professions."

In each of the five roles, the person doing them had some kind of authority or respect in their professional life.

"I just stitched this person's intestines back together but apparently I don't do the dishes enough at home." (Getty Stock Photo)
"I just stitched this person's intestines back together but apparently I don't do the dishes enough at home." (Getty Stock Photo)


Even if jobs which are all about saving lives, there aren't guarantees that you've found that perfect person.

The lawyer said that someone in the role of a surgeon would be 'walking around the hospital, everybody looks up to you' and they might not get that at home.

She continued by saying 'you're in charge, everybody treats you with respect'.

Police officer

Describing those enforcing the law as 'walking around with a gun, walking around with authority', the lawyer said that the difference in situation once they got home could have an impact.

She explained that 'all of a sudden you come home and somebody's asking you to take out the trash'.

"This is your Captain speaking, I don't have anything specific to say but I like that you're hanging on my every word." (Getty Stock Photo)
"This is your Captain speaking, I don't have anything specific to say but I like that you're hanging on my every word." (Getty Stock Photo)


"You look at pilots who cross over to the air force, the military, they're in control of 150, 200 people's lives at a time," she said.

"They are treated with a tremendous amount of respect and they have a lot of responsibility.

"They tend to be very narcissistic and very controlling."

Once again, she stressed that she wasn't trying to tar everyone in these five jobs with the same brush - only to say that the list she'd been told had ended up tallying with her experience in family law.

Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/@Jettiegirl28/Getty Stock Images

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