Getting a sharp pain in your chest can make you think you're suffering from something serious and have you wondering if you should rush to A&E.
However, a doctor on TikTok has now finally explained that not all chest pains require a trip to the emergency department, and that those random pains a lot of people sometimes get more common and more harmless than you think. You can see the explanation here:
Speaking on TikTok, the account Life Of A Doctor, regularly explains health conditions and what the possible diagnosis could be to their 3.3 million followers. In this case, the doctor explained how some random chest pains are actually quite normal.
The video begins with the statement, 'When you get that random chest pain every 6 months since you were a child where you feel a stabbing pain in your heart and have to breathe tiny breaths till it randomly goes away'.
However the doctor is here with all the answers.

Speaking to the camera, the doctor explained: "If you've ever had random chest pain, listen closely. Not all chest pain comes from the heart. In fact, one of the most common causes of chest pain is something known as pre-cordial catch syndrome.
"This is usually described as sudden onset sharp chest pain that's located in this area. Now this pain lasts for a few seconds, two minutes and it's worse with deep breathing.
"And this is believed to be due to a pinched nerve that runs across a chest wall and is not life threatening."
TikTok users have had their eyes opened by the doctor.

One user commented: "The amount of time I thought I was getting a heart attack and thinking I am wayyy to young to go out this way lmao."
Another said: "I thought I was dying for YEARS."
"I honestly thought I was dying. Thanks bro," wrote another.
One user even joked: "I'll probably die from a heart attack because I think it's a pinched nerve again."

Of course, if your chest pains don't go away, you should seek medical advice.
Elsewhere on TikTok, health advice has needed to be issued after the latest TikTok trend has seen a mass number of users strip off in public and point their private bits up towards the sun in order to increase the strength of those body parts.
Yes, you read that right.
Now experts have had to step forward to warn TikTok users against the dangers of 'sunning your holes' and Perineum sunning. The hashtag #perineumsunning has been blowing up on TikTok with videos such as Pauly Long’s receiving 8.5 million views.
Experts have now vehemently advised against this, adding that as with any overexposure to the sun, it opens you up to an increased risk of skin cancer.