Have you ever been talking to someone about something you think is really important and wondering if they're just tuning you out?
You've probably been on the other side of this, someone is wittering on at you about a topic you're really not interested in and all you can do is smile, nod and say a few things at a handful of intervals to show them you're listening even if it's going in one ear and out the other.
If you think you're struggling to figure out when other people are doing this to you, then a woman on TikTok has said that if you keep hearing the same two words in a conversation then you should probably wrap things up.
You'll also want to know what to look out for to check whether the person on the other side of your conversation is a psychopath, and for all the little tells which point towards you being face to face with a liar.
Then of course there's the conversations you have where it feels like you're speaking a completely different language so you don't even know what they're saying.
As for the two words that you might keep hearing which tell you it's time to cut a conversation short, apparently you don't want someone to keep telling you 'that's crazy' when you're trying to provide them with a story.
"Unwritten social rule, if you're in a conversation with someone and they specifically say 'that's crazy' more than three times, just cut the conversation short," was her advice.
If you're wondering why that is, it's because you're talking to someone who either isn't interested in what you're got to say or they have no idea what to say to you.
At that point it's not really a conversation so much as a lecture on a topic the audience is thoroughly uninterested in, so learning when to cut short your own chat is worth figuring out.
Some folks said they liked to shake things up by saying things along the line of 'that's wild', 'interesting' and 'damn' just to keep the rote replies somewhat fresh.
Still, it's not really fooling anybody and figuring out when to change the subject in a conversation is a skill well worth learning.
It'd probably help you out, not least because it might help you avoid becoming the topic of someone else's long-winded story to be told to others who'll keep replying 'that's crazy'.