One lad has made the decision to pack up his life in the UK and move to Dubai after revealing how his special wallet and phone test 'proves' how safe the country is.
The British holidaymaker set his mind to proving how crime-free the United Arab Emirates city was when he and his mate visited the sunny spot a fortnight ago.
While it was a risky stunt, it's clear this man's point was well and truly made.

Ally Law and his friend Lee Marshall visited the booming city when Ally hatched his plan.
He left his wallet and a staggering £2,000 worth of belongings on a street in Dubai to see what would happen to them if he left the items unattended for an hour.
Footage shows the 26-year-old confidently put his £1,400 iPhone 14 Pro, £450 GoPro and his wallet - containing his ID and credit cards - on a knee-high wall next to a footpath.
Lee questioned his friend, double-checking that he was sure he wanted to try out the test with such pricey belongings, but much to his surprise, Ally refused to opt for cheaper items.
The duo went for a stroll down Kite Beach and returned to the fateful spot a full hour and 22 minutes later.

While admittedly slightly 'worried' that he would rock up to the spot and find his items had been nabbed, Ally was totally relieved to find all his items 'untouched' and claims it proves the country is the 'best in the world' and that it wouldn't happen anywhere in England.
Clearly chuffed with the 'incredible' results, Ally is now ditching the UK to live over there instead.
He made the move earlier this week (4 April) and cited the country's 'lack of crime' compared to London as a huge factor for the cross-continent change, talking about safety as a 'big selling point'.
Ally explained: "England feels like it's falling apart and there's not much to offer. They can't even offer your safety. It's nice to have that over there."
The content creator continued: "It shows Dubai is a million times safer than London. You couldn't even put stuff in your back pocket there."
The Dubai-dweller went on to claim he 'was confident nothing was going to happen,' before confirming: "It's just a different world out there, people just don't steal.
"I think Dubai is the best city in the world right now."

The news totally shocked the internet, with many left 'impressed' to find out how that Ally's belongings weren't stolen, with one social media user adding that they would be gone 'after walking 10 paces in the UK'.
One YouTube user commented: "That's why it's the best country in the world right now! Super safe."
"Looks amazing!" another added, "sadly I live in a third-world country. I am from the UK."
While Ally's risky experiment has stunned some viewers, others are blaming the affluence of the area for the perceived lack of crime.
They claimed the wealth of the area meant people 'don't need to steal' and that it would be different in a poorer part of the city.
One said: "The people doubting this [is real] are silly. Why would anyone need to steal when they live in Dubai?"
"Next time go to a poor part of Dubai and try that again to see what happens," advised a second.
According to the United Arab Emirates Penal Code, theft is punishable by six months to three years in prison or a fine.