The landlady of a Stoke pub is challenging drug users right where they are sniffing by posting a firm warning note in the toilets.
Judy Boulton is clearly sick to the back teeth of people taking cocaine in the loos of her boozer in Burslem, near Stoke-on-Trent, and has decided to share her displeasure with those who are at the heart of the matter.
The landlady of The New Inn has left a hand-written note for any potential cocaine users that reads: "Whoever keeps putting empty 'coke' bags behind the toilet f**k them off. I'm on to you. Judy."
It’s straight to the point and it certainly gets the message across.

Obviously, cocaine use is a problem for both users and those who are involved in the trade, with many being exploited down the supply chain that brings cocaine into the pubs of the UK.
From Judy’s perspective, she could face problems with the police or with her licence if she doesn’t crack down on drug use on the premises, so it’s easy to see how she might have become so annoyed.
She’s only just taken over the pub after it has passed through many hands over the past few years, and has clearly started to discover and work on the problems at her establishment.
As well as posting the note, Judy has promised that she will weed out any drug users and help the police to prosecute them.
On top of that, they’ll be barred from the pub, never to darken the door again.
She told Stoke-on-Trent Live: "We found a couple of empty bags. We do not want people doing drugs in our pub.

"I have a zero-tolerance approach to drugs. I have done all the training courses and got all the certificates.
"I do not want people taking drugs in here. That is why I am on top of it. If I catch anyone doing drugs in this pub they will be banned for life and I will assist the police in any prosecution."
Fair enough.
Judy has a heap of experience in the business, having run a number of pubs in Stoke over the past 12 years.
Speaking of her new place in December, she said: "The New Inn has been run by several people in the last couple of years.
“The regulars do not know if they are coming or going. I have had my licence for 12 years and worked in bars for 30 years. I am hoping to be here for a while.
"We get a mixed crowd in here, the young lads and the older ones. I am excited about being in Burslem for the first time."
So as long as you’re not using drugs on the property, you can pop in for a drink at Judy's place any time.
Topics: UK News, Food And Drink, Drugs