Top neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Huberman has been doling out advice for people who want to last longer in bed, and we're not talking about hitting the snooze button on your alarm so you can enjoy a bit of a lie in.
No, this is a weird trick he's suggesting for people who want to spend more of their time having sex.
Dr Huberman is the guy who explained the negative effects consuming too much porn can have on the brain and warned people that 'extreme experiences' could lead to a bigger drop-off afterwards.
But this time around, he was talking about the real thing and how you could make it last longer by not, let's call it losing your enthusiasm too quickly.
Speaking on the Flagrant podcast, Dr Huberman went into very graphic detail over a potential trick guys could try if they wanted to last longer.

He asked the panel if they 'know about the retrograde ejaculation thing' and proceeded to give an explanation over exactly what he meant.
He said: "There's a lot on the internet about semen retention and chi, after orgasm in males, after ejaculation there's an increase in the hormone prolactin which makes you very mellow.
"That sets the refractory period and during that time you're not getting another erection, you're not having sex."
"This is why drugs that increase dopamine sometimes are pro sexual drugs, but if people take too much of them they're all gas pedal but not relaxed enough to actually get an erection. This is the cocaine thing."
Describing sex as 'a dance between arousal and relaxation', the doc suggested a method guys could try if they wanted to last longer in bed.

He mentioned that certain cultures had a practice of 'retaining chi' by preventing semen from leaving the body, saying guys should be 'pulling it back in' and 'inhaling and clamping the muscles around the prostate'.
One of the other people in the conversation put it in slightly cruder terms, saying 'when he's about to bust he sucks it back in'.
But this does come with dangers, as Dr Huberman said he knew a man who tried this method and 'developed terrible prostatitis' by trying to employ this trick.
He also said someone thinking of giving this method a go shouldn't always attempt to avoid ejaculating and should try to ejaculate 'once a week' anyway.
It's either that or get a sex doll that doesn't judge you for however long you last, instead just sitting there like a synthetic corpse you presumably need to clean out every now and again.
Topics: Sex Education, Sex and Relationships