A dashcam video showing a frightening collision between a car and a lorry has triggered a debate online about which driver was at fault.
Driving on UK roads isn't particularly fun. In fact, stepping behind the wheel sees most reasonable people transform into the biggest road ragers around.
It's probably why many love watching dashcam footage and passing judgement on which driver was wronged and who should be condemned to lose their license.
With that in mind, check out the clip below and cast judgement on which vehicle f**ked up:
Recorded in Avonmouth, Bristol and shared on YouTube, the clip shows a red BMW waiting at a junction as a large lorry begins to turn in. Unfortunately for the car driver, the lorry struggles to clear the corner in time and crashes into the front of the car, which, in turn, sends the BMW crashing into the car filming the scene.
Despite the nasty looking collision, no one in the BMW appeared to the injured, as both the driver and front passenger can be seen climbing out moments later.
However, the incident has caused a heated debate over who was in the wrong.
The red car is parked behind the white lines and situated close to the centre of the road - as the driver was turning right - while the lorry passes over the broken white line in the centre of the road, something which isn't advised unless absolutely necessary when turning into a junction.
It's also worth noting the BMW is at the front of a queue of cars when the incident occurs, meaning that it would also be difficult to reverse in this situation.

So, perhaps you'd agree the lorry was in the wrong in this situation? A lot of viewers certainly appeared to, with one person writing: "How are these people driving lorries?"
"Has got to have only just passed his test making a mistake like that," a second person wrote.
A third added: "Damn! License revoked. What was he thinking?"
While the overwhelming majority of viewers do agree with this take, the beauty of the internet is that if you search far and wide enough, you'll eventually find someone willing to stake their reputation on the lorry being in the right.
"The red car still had time to access the situation. if he would have moved over , he shouldn't have go but common sense isn't hard," one person questioned, which led to a slew of others questioning what else the BMW driver could've done.
There's always one...