We all have those moments of realisation that change something in our lives.
Perhaps it’s realising you’re settling in your relationship or maybe or why you hate the sound of your voice so much.
And for this lad, it was a near-death experience that gave him a lot to learn.
In a YouTube video, Alex Kovsky said that when he was 18 he ‘literally almost died’ because of a ‘heat stroke in Mexico’ and it made him realise ‘that death should always be on you mind’.
And yeah, that's a little morbid but he reckons the experience has changed the way he lives his life.
The lad explained how he was on a family holiday in Cabo San Lucas when he decided to go the gym one day.

After a ‘great workout’ and trip to the shops, he was getting some sun by the pool and ‘drinking water the whole day'. But later in the evening he began to feel unwell and a doctor was called for.
“The doctor said that ‘you literally just had a heat stroke and you could have died’.”
He spent the rest of the trip feeling ‘like crap’ but by the time he got home he had a realisation.
“Death should always be on my mind,” he explained. “Because even though that experience was absolutely horrible and I would not wish that on any of my subscribers or any of my friends or people in my life but that moment actually taught me to enjoy life.

“I realised life can be over in the blink of an eye and if you can’t appreciate the little things in life, sometimes you need an experience to remind you that life does not go as long as we often wish it would.”
Now, obviously nobody wants or should have a near-death experience, so maybe you should just learn from what he’s said rather than going through something like that.
It’s a little extreme but he wants people to use ‘death as a motivator to enjoy life to the fullest, to live life to the fullest’.
He says it’s motivated him to ‘work his ass off in everything’ he does and ‘just try to be as good a person as possible’.
And the lad adds: “You got to realise all this stuff you have right now could be gone in an instant.” Well, wise words I guess.