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People are using the ‘waiter test’ while on dates to find out how nice their partner really is
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People are using the ‘waiter test’ while on dates to find out how nice their partner really is

Oop, another dating test to be aware of lads

There’s no denying you can tell a whole lot about a person by the way they treat other people.

You might think they’re the most amazing, hilarious absolute 10 when you’re one-on-one but put them in a group setting and they might prove to be an absolute pr*ck.

And while experts often list out red flags to keep an eye out for on a first date as well as ‘sexual red flags’ in the sheets, there’s another method daters are using to make their judgements.

The ‘waiter test’ is a popular trend being used by people to find out how nice a person is during their dates. One TikToker shared a video to say this ‘works for girls and guys’ as she asked if her followers would ‘ever do this’.

I mean, you should never be rude to wait staff anyway. (Getty Stock)
I mean, you should never be rude to wait staff anyway. (Getty Stock)

User Liv Schreiber explained that if you’re on a fourth date with someone and still are trying to assess their ‘character’ then to try out ‘the waiter test’.

“When you’re dating, everyone always says pay attention to how a guy treats his mum and sister,” she said. “But what they don’t say is pay attention to how he treats the waiter.”

So, Schreiber has realised that a lot of people seem to be now asking the server at a restaurant during their date to mess something up, ‘to spill something, to not get an order right, to do something wrong’.

This way, they can ‘see how the guy reacts.

Be polite, lads. (Getty Stock)
Be polite, lads. (Getty Stock)

“I think this is so cool,” the TikTok said.

“When you see how people treat others ‘who may not be able to do anything for them’ and you see a guy speaking poorly or kindly with such affection and gratitude to a waiter, or waitress or an Uber driver or a taxi driver, that is an indication of how they’re going to treat you.”

She believes it’s the perfect test because you don’t want someone to make you ‘uncomfortable’.

“You want a guy to treat you and everyone else with the same respect,” she added.

And while some users said it’s ‘so trueeeee’ others believed it’s ‘so f**ked’.

One did also add that: “Asking the waiter to ‘mess up’ is next level!!”

Relationship experts have previously told daters red flags to look out for on a first date, including the person being late, them using their phone a lot, being a total breadcrumber or again, the biggie, being rude to restaurant staff.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@livschreiber

Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships