People have been left feeling quite uncomfortable after a man carried out an experiment involving putting wild caught salmon at the bottom of the ocean.
Unpacking it at the start of the video, he pierces the salmon fillet with some metal sticks and puts it on the seafloor, where several fish can be seen minding their own business.
The YouTube channel, known as Ace Underwater, say that they post 'unique and funny underwater videos' in their channel description, and have over 643k views on this video that undertakes an interesting experiment.

After diving down with the piece of pristine salmon, he hooks the metal into the seabed to see what the marine creatures would do at such a sight.
A couple of GoPros are set up next to the meat, ready to capture what happens to the unguarded salmon slice.
This viral video is an intriguing watch, and those on the social media site were not prepared for what was coming, as was the man who set it up.
At the start, he says that he is surprised that the exposed piece of fish is getting no attention from any creatures, apart from one puffer fish who seems to prod at it.
But after five minutes, the man dives back down there to break the salmon piece up a bit, which is when the chaos begins to ensue.
Several fish begin to swim towards the piece after it's broken up slightly, with the man revealing that in previous experiments, he has learnt that fish prefer for their food to be broken up into smaller pieces to eat.
That's right - they want to eat the salmon meat.
But they didn't take a bite yet, as he had to come back down and mash the salmon meat up with a pipe, which finally enticed a large amount of fish to start nibbling at the meat.
Damsel fish were first to the scene, followed by red goat fish, bottom feeders and sergeant fish, who all feasted on the floating pieces of salmon in the seawater.
He explains that breaking it up releases its oils, which attracts the fish due to its scent.
After breaking it up more, an Amore eel seems to smell it, and after taking some time to find it through its scent, as they have poor vision, they devour the entire thing, unlike the rest of the creatures before it that seemed happy to share.

After dramatically wrestling with the salmon piece to get it off the metal stick and to signal others to go away, it ingests all the remains of the piece.
But the whole ordeal left a salty taste in a lot of people's mouths, and it wasn't because they were looking at seawater.
They were disturbed at the fact that fish were so willing to eat other fish if made available to them, leaving their thoughts in the comments.
One stated: "The fish are eating fish," while another asked: "Isn’t that sorta like cannibalism for the fish?"
A third commented: "I think if you leave it long enough, they will eat it."
And a fourth pointed out: "One bite, everybody knows the rules."
Topics: YouTube, Viral, Social Media, Animals