It's probably not a surprise to you to learn that there's some very weird websites out there on the dark web.
In case you didn't know it's basically a hidden part of the internet which you can only access with certain software.
Basically, there's this thing called the 'deep web' which is all the bits of the World Wide Web that are not indexed by search engines for things like online banking, web mail and sites that need some kind of authorisation before you can access them.
Part of the deep web is referred to as the 'dark web' and there is much illicit activity going on there, with cyber security specialists saying the place was full of 'horrible' sites that 'do horrible things'.
One man who went looking on the dark web and reckons he found something he wasn't supposed to was a TikToker named Austin.
He found this incredibly weird website (TikTok/@austinvro) He told his viewers he'd been 'going on the dark web' but soon realised that he was on the 'wrong side of the dark web'.
There are sites there which aren't used for foul purposes but there are many, many others which are used for all manner of awfulness.
As for Austin's discovery, he said: "Normally this would be cool but this a side I've never seen before."
Turning the camera around to show his monitor it displayed the words: "Wanderer are you lost? The dissolved sixfold path awaits."
That's already sufficiently weird, and he found it was a site for something called 'the dissolved sixfold path'.
"I think it's like a Satanic cult website because there's a bunch of numbers and it says I'll be cursed if I fail," he explained.
Then there's this that says he will try to humiliate me, try to make me feel unworthy, do not surrender to the warden and keep in mind you are worthy and ready to experience empowerment.
The guy reckoned he must have stumbled across a Satanic cult website (TikTok/@austinvro) "He uses your shadows to beat you, therefore, you are the only one allowing defeat.
"Cursed are the ones who fail."
While he reckoned he'd found a weird Satanic cult site there's all sorts of other things you wouldn't want to see on there.
A hacker with over 30 years of experience said that cyber criminals were targeting places like hospitals to extort them for money.
He said: "I've watched hospitals get encrypted and people are left with a choice: do I pay to decrypt the data or do I risk lives?"
"The bigger payouts that we're talking about now are easily into the tens of millions. This last, most recent attack, they offered $70 million dollars for the campaign key, which is the key that would have unlocked every single computer encrypted during that attack. So we're talking high-stakes games here."
Meanwhile, an 'ethical hacker' said that the dark web contained sites that included 'murder for hire' and links featuring children.