While you might reasonably assume that there are plenty of fish in the sea, hence the saying people tell you right after a break up, what you might not realise when staring at the churning waves is just how many are right in front of your eyes.
To prove this point well, a man went to what he called the 'world's most dangerous fishing pier', which is apparently located on Okaloosa Island, Florida.
It doesn't seem to be a particularly dangerous place if you want to go fishing as it's a very popular spot for tourists and anglers, but if you were wanting to dip into the sea yourself you might want to think twice.
Instead you might as well see what angler Brant Peacher found when he stuck his GoPro onto his fishing line and lowered it into the water.
At first dropping his camera into the shallow water the camera's lens immediately captured a huge amount of fish scattering to get out of the way of a tiger shark.

He then went to the end of the pier and dropped his camera back into the sea, to once again be greeted with a honking massive quantity of marine life.
Scores of fish swam through the sea while attempting to avoid what Brant called an 'endless amount of giant sharks', some of which seemed to be pretty camera shy and decided to nudge the GoPro out of the way.
As amazing as these scenes were, it was a clear sign that you wouldn't want to go into the water as you could suddenly plunge yourself in and among the sharks which lurked beneath the pier.
Plenty of Brant's fans on YouTube thought it was great to get such a good look at 'so many healthy schools of fish', but others said they were making a mental note to 'never EVER swim at this pier'.
Someone else who said they used to jump off piers in their younger days joked 'dang I was lucky'.
Another said they used to surf at night beneath the exact same pier that Brant was filming at, until they saw a shark swimming right past their leg.
"It never fails to amaze me at how many people I see at the beach swimming by piers," one person said.
This is pretty similar to what a man on a cruise ship did as he dropped his GoPro into the ocean to enlighten us on just how much sea life is on the other side of the hull.
It turns out the answer is a lot, and there are also plenty of sharks lurking beneath the surface of the sea.
In case you were wondering why fish stick close to piers when people love to fish off them, apparently the pier structure forms an ecosystem which attracts fish and can also help shelter them a bit, so even if a few of them get hooked up by humans, it's still the plaice to be.