The chilling case of Nicola Wheater is making people believe that the child's reincarnation story is legit.
Born in Yorkshire is a little girl who was just two-years-old when she told her mum she lived another life.
It wasn't just a flash in the pan either as Nicola's recollection of her old life started to become very clear and detailed.
Aged five, Nicola could even remember the name of her family and where she lived. Watch below:
Though Nicola struggled to recall her own previous Christian name, she remembered that her father was called Thomas Benson.
"Mummy, why am I not a boy like I used to be? My other mummy used to be called Mrs Benson, and, I was her little boy and I played with Muff," Nicole would tell her mum Kathleen.
Muff was the nickname of the five-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Benson, who once lived in Haworth in Yorkshire.
With the help of author Mary Harrison who located church registry archives, they found proof of the family's existence.
Records indicated that on 25 July, 1875, John Henry Benson was born to Mr and Mrs Thomas Benson (a rail worker).
John, a five-year-old boy, died when he was hit by a train, almost one hundred years ago.
Nicola Wheater started to give examples of her 'old life' when she was just two (BBC) Kathleen's suspicions rose further after her daughter had a panic attack while watching a train scene from a film.
The mum told BBC documentary 40 Minutes: "She went on and on about this for ages and then we were
watching a film one night, Nicole was still up, called The October Man and at end of it John Mills was debating whether to throw himself under this train or not.
"As it were getting nearer to him, track were coming nearer, train were coming nearer, and she just stood up, started waving her arms around and gasping for breath."
She added: "So we turned it off, in five or 10 minutes she was all right 'cos she knew that if he threw himself under that train what were going to happen [sic]."
Nicola and her family went and visited the spot where she recalled the moment she died as John all those years ago.
Nicola with her mum Kathleen (BBC) She said: "I were living over here and I just got my foot stuck down there and this train were coming and it knocked me over."
Viewers think the long sigh that Nicola gave after recounting her story at the train tracks was enough to convince them she was telling the truth.
"That deep sigh she gives out at the end of the video followed by that world-weary look of disappointment/regret was all the proof I needed to see," one person wrote.
"Interesting and very credible. One of the more convincing stories I have ever seen," a second penned.
"The fatal accident happened in 1875 and she was reborn about 1975, so she had been in the world of spirit for 100 years before she was reborn, not as a boy, but as a girl. That's quite some time between lifetimes," a third added.