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OnlyFans star couldn’t believe what X-ray showed as bizarre sex act saw her hospitalised

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OnlyFans star couldn’t believe what X-ray showed as bizarre sex act saw her hospitalised

OnlyFans star and porn star Alicia Davis was shellshocked at what happened

An OnlyFans star was left in hospital needing medical intervention after being left shocked by what happened to her as she got intimate following a first date.

Alicia Davis, an adult content creator based in Australia, is more than used to exploring her sexual side given the nature of her job.

A rather unfortunate outcome for Alicia (Alicia Davis)
A rather unfortunate outcome for Alicia (Alicia Davis)

Like thousands of other models on OnlyFans, she provides spicy content for those willing to pay for it, raking in decent profits. It's a booming platform that has seen some given almost instantaneous financial freedom, clearing debts in just a matter of days.

But after one recent date OF star Alicia, who goes by @littlebrunettebaddie on Instagram, saw her exploratory side go from 'funny to scary' after one rather serious mishap. And before we continue, a warning this is a little graphic.

After going on a date, Alicia went back with the man she'd had drinks with where the pair got intimate.

But things went very wrong very quickly.

“I was on a first date with a guy, we started to have sex and decided to use an anal plug during sex, when all of a sudden it felt like the anal plug came out of me," Alicia said.

Alicia had to go to hospital to get it sorted (Alicia Davis)
Alicia had to go to hospital to get it sorted (Alicia Davis)

"So we stopped, and I put my hand down there to discover that it was gone. I couldn't feel the flared-out base of the plug. "We started pulling the doona [Aussie term for duvet] off the bed, pulling the pillows off the bed, looking underneath the bed for it... and i'm like, where the f*** is it?!”

Heading to the bathroom to have a closer look, her worst fear was realised.

She said: “I did not understand where it had gone, because it was the same feeling as when you take it out yourself.

"I went to the bathroom, and I was squatting in the shower trying to feel it! And I couldn't feel it. I remember thinking to myself 'it can't be in there. I can't feel it'.”

Alicia's day job is being an OnlyFans model (Alicia Davis)
Alicia's day job is being an OnlyFans model (Alicia Davis)

Yep, it had disappeared inside of her. Alicia said: "I remember saying 'are you f***ing kidding me?'."

After trying to sort the issue at home, the best efforts of her and her date fell short. Hospital was the only option left. "Gravity was definitely doing its thing," she openly said.

"After we both couldn’t get it out, that’s when I called my best friend for help. My best friend is a nurse, and she is pretty used to me doing pretty wild s**t."

An X-ray of the trapped object (Alicia Davis)
An X-ray of the trapped object (Alicia Davis)

Alicia was left waiting for surgery after more failed attempts to remove the object from her body. She said: "The nurses told me I would need to be put to sleep for surgery, so my body would be relaxed enough for them to

remove it.

"They were hoping to slot me in somewhere and said it should only take five minutes to complete. However the hospital ended up being so busy that I wasn’t able to have the surgery for another two days. So I waited in a hospital bed for two whole days with an anal plug lost inside of me.”

Thankfully Alicia wasn't in pain during the wait instead feeling more like a constant need to answer nature's call.

Quite the journey, but Alicia is now fully recovered and back to doing her day job. Which - quelle surprise - involves much of the same.

Featured Image Credit: Alicia Davis

Topics: OnlyFans, Sex Education, Sex and Relationships, Health, Australia, Adult Industry