Once a common occurrence, white dog poo now seems to be a relic of the past.
While it still comes in a rainbow of colours, this one colour is definitely more rare than the others.
There's actually a scientific reason why there's seemingly no more of the stuff around anymore.
It's clear that no one can really miss something like dog poo, but some people are beginning to realise just how little they've seen the white kind of recent.
Whether it was on the street, in the park or on your shoe - there was definitely more of the stuff about some years ago than there is today.
And now, the website All Dogs Poop has explained a little about the phenomenon.

"You see, in the 70’s, dog poop was white and quick to dry out and crumble," it says.
Getting into the gritty details, the website continued to note that dog poo from decades ago was 'very quick to disappear' due to its brittle consistency.
The cause, according to the website, is down to a dog's particular diet.
Back in the 1970s, commercial dog food was 'rich in beef and bone meal' - two ingredients with a very high calcium content.
When calcium requirements in dog food then changed, the colour and consistency followed suit and was also 'forever changed'.
While white dog poo is not as common now, it can still crop up from time to time, as can a whole assortment of colours.

The website aptly breaks down the different colours of faeces and what they mean, almost like a mood ring - but for your dog and with poo instead.
The now-vintage white poo is said to be caused by a 'raw diet' that contains 'too much' calcium and bone.
Orange poo indicates that food has 'passed too quickly' through the intestinal tract.
Poo of the more yellowy variety is often a sign of 'food intolerance' and 'mucus'. It can commonly happen when a dog's food is switched without a transitional period.
A more dangerous colour that should cause slight alarm to any dog parent is the black, tarry colour.
The website advises owners to take their dog to vet immediately if this occurs as it can indicate bleeding in the upper intestinal tract.

Moving out of the block colours and more into the design now, poo with red streaks is also a serious problem.
It can also be a sign of bleeding but in the lower part of the intestinal tract, 'sometimes at the rectum'.
The least vibrant of the lot, grey poo, or a 'greasy-looking stool', is a sign of 'too much fat' in the dog's diet. This should be monitored as too much fatty foods can sometimes lead to pancreatitis.
Lastly, green stools are probably the least-scary colour of poo for a dog owner.
Caused by eating 'lots of grass', greenish poo is usually nothing to worry about if it's just the occasional time.
If persistent, it could mean your furry friend has problems with their 'bowel movements' and requires a vet visit just in case.
Bet you'll look at dog poo in a whole new light now.