One best man was brave enough to nearly end the friendship after giving the 'best punchline ever' during his wedding speech. Watch below:
The responsibility that lies on the shoulders of a best man to deliver a funny yet heartwarming speech, is enough to make you completely bottle it.
However, best man Derek managed to knock back the nerves and rise to the occasion in the most spectacular way.
Scottish groom and brother Gary certainly was not expecting what was about to come.
After tying the knot with Kirsty at Doubletree Dunblane Hydro, Perthshire, up stepped Derek.
TikTok wedding photographers We Are One Wedding Films uploaded the viral clip on social media, where Derek decided it was the best time to share a story of a particularly special Christmas Gary and his beloved once spent with each other.

He says: "One Christmas morning, I got up in my mum and dad's house, buzzing I may add. Walked down the stairs to open my presents only to be greeted with a slap from my mum. 'What did I tell you about bringing folk back here?'
"I say, 'What are you talking about mum, I've been in my bed the full night'.
"Obviously she's not thinking about golden child next door."
Derek goes on: "So we're in the living room opening a couple of presents, me, my mum and my dad, and we hear rustling from the wee room in the auld house, as we called it.

"At this point I go up the stairs, open Gary's room, and there you have it, Kirsty Currie, lying with her legs at ten to two.
"She certainly never came down the chimney in that position anyway. Merry Christmas, Kirsty."
Safe to say neither Gary nor his bride were expecting that particular story, with the pair creasing up in utter disbelief.
But it went down a storm with guests, who can be heard howling with laughter in the background.

The clip was posted with the caption: "This could be the best punchline from a best man's speech ever."
And it's hard to disagree.
Since it was shared, it has been viewed more than 4.5 million times, with thousands piling into the comments.
One user said: "The absolute fear in the groom's eyes. That's when you know the speech is going to be good."
Another chimed in: "The Scottish have a way of telling stories that isn't matched anywhere."
"She's a good team player, love the way the bride laughed it off," wrote a third.
While another added: "10-2 got me, she was mortified."