We all know there’s a bit of a generational divide between baby boomers and millennials.
But one boomer has taken it upon himself to rip into ‘expectant little brats’ born between 1981 and 1995, and I’ve got to say, our egos are... a little bruised.
The self-professed ‘Bourkey’ - otherwise known as an ‘outback dweller’ - seemed to have it in for those in their mid-twenties and up who still ‘live at home with mummy and daddy’.
Bourkey told his followers on TikTok: “What a joke. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a joke.
“Me and my brothers - I’ve got a lot of brothers and sisters, ten plus, okay - could not wait to get out [of] the house, we could not wait to move out.”
He then proceeded to explain how he made it work in his early adulthood by renting with friends or residing in a ‘granny flat’.
“I had to get out of the house… But I’ll tell you something these young guys these days have no idea.

“They expect mummy and daddy to look after them still when they’re in their upper mid-twenties living at home, freeloading, pretty much because they’re all on 900 to 1200 bucks a f***ing week.”
He then went on to list his pet peeves of our generation, and how some expect their parents ‘to put dinner on the f***ing table, wash their clothes, mow the lawn and go to work too’.
“Hey, we all work - I don’t give a f*** if you’ve got a job or not. Get out and pull your weight, help around the house. You don’t pay f***ing board.

“How many young people pay board? I want to know, because when I was f***ing 14 I left school.”
Between all his cursing and blinding, Bourkey then explained the age-old tale about how he ‘knocked on a factory door’ and was offered an apprenticeship. ‘One thing led to another’ and he then had his first car and was able to move out, all whilst paying ‘75 percent’ of his wages to his parents for rent. Trust me, we’ve heard it all before.
Many onlookers tended to agree in the comments section that its parents these days who are to blame for our supposed Millennial sense of entitlement.
“I agree mate,” one person commented. “But I blame the parents. Parents these days do everything for their kids so they can’t learn.”

“Exactly, raising brats with no idea how the world operates,” another added.
But before you Boomers reading this start lighting torches and aiming for our parents for raising us with enough compassion not to throw us out on the street as soon as we turn 18 years old, let’s remember that we are currently in a cost of living crisis.
Electricity and gas bills are through the roof, petrol prices are no laughing matter and young people are increasingly struggling to make it onto the property ladder. Before you judge our living situation, give us a break.