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Margot Robbie’s husband reveals the one thing they fight about at home in rare marriage admission

Margot Robbie’s husband reveals the one thing they fight about at home in rare marriage admission

The couple have taken part in a rare interview and given fans a peak into their private life

Margot Robbie and her husband of eight years, Tom Ackerley, have spoken about the one thing that they argue over at home.

The celebrity couple are known for keeping a relatively low profile in the public eye, with film star Robbie - who is constantly in the spotlight - rarely speaking about her personal life.

The couple met in 2013 while filming World War II romantic drama Suite Francaise, with the Wolf of Wall Street and Focus star still on the rise at the time, having built her reputation as Donna Freedman in Australian soap Neighbours.

Ackerley, 34, from Guildford, Surrey, was working on the movie as an assistant director.

Robbie, 33, and her husband don't make many public appearances together, preferring to keep their relationship away from the claws of social media, as they married in a secret ceremony in the famous Byron Bay in Australia.

And now, the couple have done a rare interview with The Times, giving fans a long-awaited glimpse into their marriage.

Ackerley was asked if they have any arguments at home, to which he obviously said yes to, but the thing that they lock horns over is odd.

The couple have made a rare admission about their marriage. (Steve Granitz/FilmMagic)
The couple have made a rare admission about their marriage. (Steve Granitz/FilmMagic)

He said that they clash over which chocolate biscuits are better, as he said they can't agree on 'whether Tim Tams or Penguins are better'.

Tim Tams are more or less the Australian take on the legendary British Penguin biscuits, though it consists of two malted biscuits separated by a hard chocolate cream filling, which is coated in a thin layer of chocolate.

The Brit then said that he wished that there was 'more of a sporting rivalry' between their home countries, though they each felt like an honorary national of the other's nation.

Despite the chocolate biscuit battles, they revealed that they spend '24 hours a day' together when they're not working, as they also have no kids.

Apparently, Robbie believes Tim Tams are superior. Not sure how. (MICHAEL TRAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Apparently, Robbie believes Tim Tams are superior. Not sure how. (MICHAEL TRAN/AFP via Getty Images)

When asked about how they switch between work and pleasure, he said: “It’s seamless, we don’t have a toggle on, toggle off. It’s all become one thing.”

The couple took part in the interview to promote their new venture, called Papa Salt, which launched in the Harvey Nichols department store in London last week.

British film producer Josey McNamara and names such as Charlie Maas and Regan Riskas are also contributors to the venture.

Robbie said the idea came from the drop in quality of botanicals she noticed when she moved from London to Los Angeles.

Featured Image Credit: MICHAEL TRAN/AFP via Getty Images / Steve Granitz/FilmMagic

Topics: Celebrity, Film, Margot Robbie, Social Media, Sex and Relationships