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AI creates what Banksy actually looks like and it's the closest we may have got to seeing his face

AI creates what Banksy actually looks like and it's the closest we may have got to seeing his face

Banksy could be your next door neighbour and you'd never know

Artificial intelligence has weighed in on the topic of what notorious street artist Banksy could look like - and the results are surprisingly mundane.

The mysterious artist has clearly come across some serious sources of inspiration across the past couple of weeks, with new works of art cropping up all across London.

Between the dates of 5 August and today (13 August) spray paintings from the anonymous street artist has cropped up in various locations across the British capital - each featuring a silhouette of a different animal.

A stretching cat, which appeared in north-west London on 10 August. (Instagram/@banksy)
A stretching cat, which appeared in north-west London on 10 August. (Instagram/@banksy)

With the artist clearly very active across London at the moment the spotlight is back on the artist, which means only one thing - who the hell is Banksy?

Debates around Banksy's identity isn't anything new. For years now, investigative journalists, art experts and armchair detectives have been scratching their heads over who the mystery artist could be - and we still don't have an official identification.

AI has now waded into the debate - because why wouldn't it - creating a portrait of what it believes the infamous street artist and political activist could look like.

And the results are... pretty underwhelming.

Software company Midjourney has created a series of images depicting its guess at what Banksy could look like, with the results showing a middle aged man, with dark hair, a short beard and greenish eyes.

Take a look at the images below to see AI's Banksy.

Could this be Banksy? (Midjourney)
Could this be Banksy? (Midjourney)

The software also created Banksy from another angle, with the images showing what it pictures the artist would like while painting graffiti on the streets.

Both images show a man with longish brown hair painting an eye on a wall with his back to the audience.

Generic depictions of Banksy aside, the artwork created in the image doesn't really feel like it's his style.

AI's version of Banksy creating his paintings. (Midjourney)
AI's version of Banksy creating his paintings. (Midjourney)

As things stand, nobody has officially come forward and admitted to being Banksy.

Rumours have, of course, been swirling across the internet for years, with Bristol's Robin Gunningham being named by The Daily Mail as their chief suspect back in 2008.

As things stand, Gunningham has remained shtum about the allegations and another man was also accused of being Bansky in March, however, he also denied this claim - allowing the legend of Banksy to live on.

There's also arguments to be had regarding whether or not we actually need to know who Banksy's true identity is; after all, isn't the idea that Banksy could literally be anyone what makes him so famous?

Featured Image Credit: Midjourney

Topics: Banksy