One of the stars of Stranger Things said he thought it was gonna be a big old dud when he first started filming. See for yourself:
The sci-fi horror is one of the biggest shows on the planet. If you've not seen it yourself, you will definitely know someone who has.
And one of the most popular characters in it is Jim Hopper, Hawkins' dishevelled chief of police and all round good guy, played by David Harbour.
But despite the show going on to become a colossus, Harbour revealed this week that he wasn't so confident at the start.
Speaking on The One Show, the 47-year-old was asked about his thoughts on the series when he first started, and whether he expected it to be as big as it has turned out.
He said: "Not at all. I remember when we were first shooting the first season we were down in Atlanta, Netflix had given us a budget of about $20.

"Halfway through I remember my hair person coming up to me at about episode four, we were shooting - and she was like, 'I don't think it's going to work'.
"So by the time we finished, we wrapped, I thought we wouldn't get a second season... We would be the first Netflix show - kind of ever - to never get a second season. We thought no one would watch it and it was going to be a disaster."
Host Alex Jones then added: "And yet here you are. I mean, nobody's as surprised as Kate Bush to be fair!"
To which Harbour added: "You're welcome, Kate!"
And they're not wrong.
The British singer's 1985 track 'Running Up That Hill' was used in the latest series, playing a major part in the plot.
Don't worry, we're not gonna drop any spoilers, so you're clear to carry on.
And the renewed interest in the tune led to a shock return to the music charts, with it soaring to number one in the UK.

According to reports, it also provided a nice little boost to Bush's pockets, with the star earning a couple of million dollars from downloads and streams. Which isn't too shabby, is it?
Writing on her website, Bush said: "Whoooo Hoooo everybody! I just can’t believe it - No. 1 for the third week. We’re all so excited! In fact it’s all starting to feel a bit surreal.
"I was so delighted that the Duffer Brothers wanted to use RUTH for Max’s totem but now having seen the whole of this last series, I feel deeply honoured that the song was chosen to become a part of their roller coaster journey.
"I can’t imagine the amount of hard work that’s gone into making something on this scale. I am in awe. They’ve made something really spectacular."
Stranger Things is available to watch on Netflix now.
Topics: Netflix, Stranger Things, UK News, US News, David Harbour