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Fans have spotted hidden detail in Christopher Nolan Batman film that ‘ruins’ movie

Fans have spotted hidden detail in Christopher Nolan Batman film that ‘ruins’ movie

Well, as far as any sort of defect can spoil the masterpiece that is Batman Begins...

Some fans of the Christopher Nolan Batman movies have pointed out a hidden detail in the Batman Begins film which they say has 'always driven them crazy'.

You're probably familiar with some of these complaints circling around the movie's climax, more centred on certain details that don't make sense than lacking any entertainment as it is a cracking film.

If you need a refresher Ra's al Ghul (Liam Neeson) and Scarecrow (Cillian Murphy) are planning to destroy Gotham by pouring Scarecrow's fear toxin into the city's water supply and then evaporate the lot with a microwave emitter.

Basically, the whole city's water supply will blow and the toxin-laced water will be transformed into steam where it'll scare everyone out of their minds.

Fortunately, Batman (Christian Bale) stops the plan and saves the day while technically not violating his no-kill rule by leaving Ra's on a crashing train.

Right here Batman is literally standing on the device that vaporises all water around it, but not the water in him. (Warner Bros)
Right here Batman is literally standing on the device that vaporises all water around it, but not the water in him. (Warner Bros)

Plenty of people have pointed out over the years that microwaves don't work that way and if they did then the microwave emitter would vaporise everyone around it since humans are mostly water, and it clearly doesn't because he and Ra's have a fight right next to it.

Others have wondered how nobody noticed the water was laced with fear toxin, since anyone boiling water would have got a dose of fear gas.

Gothamites ought to have been tripping balls whenever they took a hot shower or popped the kettle on.

However, this latest observation was that Scarecrow's part in the plan to add his toxin to the water supply wouldn't work because 'anyone who’s ever cracked a water main knows you would not be able to pour anything into it, the pressure on those pipes is immense'.

Basically, if you cracked those pipes to pour fear toxin in then water would start gushing out and you wouldn't be able to add anything.

However, other fans pointed out that most people making movies will not 'have ever cracked a main line'

Apparently this wouldn't work, as the water pressure would be so high that it was bursting out of the gap. (Warner Bros)
Apparently this wouldn't work, as the water pressure would be so high that it was bursting out of the gap. (Warner Bros)

Of course the actual explanation for all of this is that it's a movie and that if you can continue to suspend your disbelief while watching then all is fine and dandy.

We, the audience, surely know in our heart of hearts that whatever plan Ra's al Ghul and Scarecrow have for Gotham isn't going to succeed.

A Batman movie where Batman fails to stop them and they drive everyone in Gotham insane with fear is not how this goes.

Batman Begins is a movie where our hero learns to face his fear and fashion it into a weapon to use against criminals, it'd be naff if the big ending was him failing to protect the innocent people of Gotham from falling further under the thumb of fear.

As a general rule of thumb the plan is going to go how the bad guys want it to unless the hero can stop them.

Some movies do present the audience with leaps of logic that test the suspension of disbelief a little too much, but most viewers will be absolutely fine with a bit of unreality or minor plot holes if they're still along for the ride.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros

Topics: Batman, TV and Film