When it comes to horrific horror films, The Human Centipede will forever be up there.
The 2009 flick sees a deranged German surgeon kidnap three tourists and conjoin them surgically, mouth to anus.
And with such a gross concept, you can only imagine the types of questions the actors who played those in the human centipede get asked – you probably even have a few of your own.
One of the actors previously revealed what she gets asked the most.
Winter Williams had only left acting school the year before when she attended the audition for what would turn out to be one of the most shocking films of its time.
She was handed a piece of paper with the human centipede drawn on, but she tried to maintain a straight face. She ended up being offered two roles.

Speaking to the Guardian, Williams said: "He offered me the role of either the middle of the centipede or the girl at the end of it, who dies.
"I wanted to take on the challenge of playing Lindsay, the middle girl who escapes and persists."
The star went on to explain which part of the role would prove the most difficult for her.

"I knew that acting with my eyes would be a real challenge. For filming, I went to Europe for nearly two months when there was still no script in place, so it was a real leap of faith."
She went on to describe the surgery scene, saying she was amazed at how realistic everything looked.
And although she and Ashlynn Yennie, who played Jenny in the cult horror, were briefly concerned they would actually be made into a human centipede, they said director Tom Six was actually 'lovely to work with', allowing the young actors to improvise their roles.
But, for some reason, the one thing people want an answer for is quite unusual.

Williams said: "The number one question I get asked is did anyone fart in my mouth? No!
"We were very respectful of one another, and the suits were layered so we weren't even close to the other person's butt.
"The infamous scene where the character at the front of the centipede has to relieve himself was filmed in one take and took 10 seconds. It was easy but I was grateful Tom didn't film it for longer than he had to."
Well that answers that then. As you can imagine, the process of filming had its ups and downs.
She explained: "The biggest issue was just how physically demanding it was to crawl around as the human centipede. There's a sequence where we try to escape up some stairs. It was real hard on our bodies.
"You had to act like your flesh was being torn while really moving your knees.
"Plus the prosthetic cheeks attached to our faces made it hard to open your mouth to eat during breaks."
Topics: TV and Film