While stars nabbing props off movie sets is nothing new perhaps the weirdest item ever taken from a film's production belongs to Tom Six, the writer and director of the Human Centipede movies.
Even if you haven't seen the films (DON'T) you've surely heard of the horror flicks where a doctor sews a bunch of people together to create the titular human centipede.
To quote a song which pretty succinctly sums up the plot of the first movie, Human Centipede is a film where a 'German doctor sews three people a** to mouth'.
Since the movie is pretty out there in terms of premise Six didn't tell investors the details of the film he was making and they only found out what they'd funded once it was complete.
Likely because of their disturbing nature the movie became pretty well known and spawned two sequels which some of the actors said were 'horrible' to film because those who were playing people in the centipede were meant to wear 'special pants' to protect the face of the co-star which was buried in their buttocks, only the pants were too thin to do much.

As for the director, he ended up picking out a pretty wacky souvenir for himself from the trilogy of films he put together and he was very proud of what he stole.
Some stars steal props, while other bits of movie memorabilia get thrown out and end up in all sorts of weird places while a few go on to be pretty disturbing collector's items which people will pay weird sums of money for.
While plenty of people steal props from sets they worked on, either as a memento of their time there or just because whatever it is they stole is too darn cool to leave behind, it's likely that nobody can say they did what Mr Six did.
In 2015, the director confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that he pilfered a pair of prop human testicles from the set of Human Centipede 3 and insists on showing them off to anyone who comes round to his house.
The prop recreations of a gentleman's plums were used for a gory castration sequence in the third movie where obviously they weren't going to de-bollock an actual actor.

Of course, trust the mind which thought it would be a good idea to write and direct three Human Centipede movies to look at the prop testicles and think 'I've got to get me some of those'.
One of the actors in the original 2009 film who played the person in the middle of the centipede said Six was 'lovely to work with' despite being worried about the premise of the movie.
She said the one question people always want to ask her when they realise she was in Human Centipede was whether any of her co-stars farted in someone else's mouth, but apparently thanks to movie magic face and anus were not actually as close together as it seemed.
If for some reason you really loved Human Centipede then please reconsider your life choices, and while you wait for the people in white coats to take you away check out Fresh on Disney Plus as it's meant to be similarly disturbing.
Topics: TV and Film, Weird