From time to time, that kid from Superbad with a talent for drawing todgers pops into people's minds.
Is the lad who played a young Jonah Hill in the 2007 comedy still frantically scribbling penises on scrap paper and stuffing them in his Ghostbusters lunchbox? Is he still refraining from eating 'foods shaped liked d*cks'?
Is he a millionaire? He bloody should be.
Although Superbad was completely chockablock with hilarious moments and side-splitting scenes, Casey Margolis managed to overshadow his A-list co-stars such as Micheal Cera, Seth Rogen, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Emma Stone with his artistic abilities.
The child actor, who also had minor roles in The Hangover and Ugly Betty, is now lapping up the notoriety he deserves on TikTok while sharing the details of what went on behind-the-scenes of some of the major films he appeared in.
His bio is 'used to draw things in movies', so you can hazard a guess about which character he enjoyed playing the most.
Anyway, while giving his followers the lowdown on what it's like to be that genital-obsessed kid from Superbad, Casey also shared how much he is still raking in from his minor, but extremely memorable, role in residuals.
This refers to the long-term payments people who worked on films and TV shows receive on the back of reruns and airings after the movies initial release - such as every time it's broadcast on telly or when someone buys the DVD.

Casey was paid $700-a-day (£580) for his gig as Jonah's younger self, but he is still banking a hefty amount of cash 17 years after the film was released thanks to its everlasting success.
Last year, he shared a video on social media revealing the contents of one of his Superbad cheques, while introducing himself as 'kid who drew the d*cks in the movie'.
The content creator said: "Total here is $255.39 (£200) and the actual gross was $400.62 (£315). God bless tax!"
A few months later, he revealed he had got a residual check with a gross total of $573.35 (£480) for Free TV, Internet Rental/ SVOD, Video/ DVD and Pay TV. The take home from that was $365.51 (£300).
So it's safe to say Superbad is one of the roles that is still rewarding him handsomely after all these years, with enough to build up quite a large rainy day fund.
But in another video, Casey told his followers that actors can't just get by on residual payments alone.
He explained: " Listen not all of these cheques are f**king bangers, okay. They're not throwing me $10,000 here and there. In November 2014, I received the lowest cheque I've ever received from any work, from anyone.
"For $0.12, gross. Net, $0.08. So they took 4 cents away in taxes. Being an actor - it's not all glitz and glam. Sometimes you get hit with the 12 cents cheques, but it's 12 more cents than I had."

On the other hand, the biggest residual check Casey has ever received from his role in Superbad amounted to $10,033.34 (£8,300) - of which the actor took home $6,757.47 (£5,011.37).
Casey said he typically receives a residual cheque around every three months, which can 'vary from 3 cents to 100 bucks.'
Although his Superbad character 'couldn't stop drawing d*cks to save his own life' and was forced into therapy by his parents who think he has been 'possessed by a d*ck devil', Casey said he can neither 'confirm nor deny' whether he still puts pen to paper and ends up with a sheet filled with phalluses.
Social media users were wowed by the amount of money he continues to make for his iconic role and flooded the comment section on TikTok.
One said: "If his tiny part still brings in $200+, imagine how much the stars still make off it."
Another wrote: "I watched this movie 15 times in the last six months, you're welcome."
A third added: "The drawings are the single main thing I remember from that movie. You deserve so much more!"
A fourth chimed in: "Ima binge Superbad just so you can make more."
And a fifth joked: "Keeping this in mind when my kids start drawing phalluses."
Topics: TV and Film, Jonah Hill, Money, TikTok