Gamers are flocking to social media in stitches after realising Dobby in Hogwarts Legacy look eerily like Rowan Atkinson.
It's the mash-up you never knew you needed, actor Rowan Atkinson and Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter squashed together and put in a video game.
However, be warned, once you see this, you'll never be able to look at Dobby - or Rowan Atkinson - in the same way again:
Hogwarts Legacy may have only been released yesterday (Friday 10 February) but gamers already can't get enough.
Despite the controversy surrounding the game and attempts to boycott it - Trans right activists opposing the lining of JK Rowling's pockets because of tweets written by the writer on gender identity and politics - some people have rapidly purchased the game and taken to social media to share their favourite parts.
One moment which has caused quite the stir? The rather 'sassy' characterisation of Dobby in the video game and his strange resemblance to Atkinson - best known for playing Mr Bean - which gamers now 'can't unsee'.

In clips shared to social media, Dobby can be seen with his hands on his hips boogying away in the kitchen at Hogwarts, wobbling his head around as he preps the food.
Alarmingly, when you look more closely at the house elf's face, it appears he looks disconcertingly like Atkinson with his wide-eyed stare and nonchalant expression.
Fans of the game have since flooded to TikTok to point out the similarities between the house elf and comedic actor.
One wrote: "Why is Mr Bean cosplaying as Dobby? Is he credited in the game?"
"Atkinson? Mr Bean? I'm so confused," another commented.
A third said: "IS THAT MR BEAN?????"

As well as Dobby's uncanny similarities to Atkinson, gamers couldn't help but point out his epic dance moves in Hogwarts Legacy too.
The house elf may be confined in the kitchen of Hogwarts, but it doesn't mean he can't cut some impressive shapes.
One user wrote: "How do you get to the kitchens cuz I want to party with the house elves now."
"We should have a dance party with him bro," another added.
A third said: "This is a serve. There's never been a bigger slay."

Others resolved they would never eat at Hogwarts 'again' - not that they have in the first place anyway and not like Hogwarts is real - hate to break it to those of you who didn't realise.
A user said: "I will not be ordering the steak at hogwarts, thanks."
"Never eating at hogwarts," another resolved.
A final commented: "Harry Potter and the order of the health inspector."
Topics: Gaming, Harry Potter, JK Rowling, Rowan Atkinson, Social Media, TikTok