A man who proudly refers to himself as the 'sausage expert' was humiliated on live TV after being tricked into eating a plant-based alternative.
Mike Parry, who is extremely offended by vegan diets, joined Jeremy Vine's show to campaign for people to stop calling vegan sausages 'sausages' - but he didn't exactly make a great case for himself.
After the 'sausage expert' went on a rant about plant-based meat, Mike was asked to taste two sausage sandwiches and identify which one was vegan.
Asked if he would like any red or brown sauce with his sandwiches, Mike turned down the offer, claiming that the extra flavours couldn't 'disguise' which one was which.
Hoping to preserve his title, Mike had a helping of both sausage butties put in front of him and, after just a few bites, he was pretty confident he had the right answer.
"It is absolutely obvious to me that this first one is the false sausage. That is not real sausage, that is cardboard", he announced, through a mouth full of sausage.
"The second one is clearly real sausage. I can taste the meat in it. It was luscious and lovely - tastes like the one I had this morning. This is the winner."
That's why Jeremy was almost giddy when he got to reveal that Mike had, in fact, eaten two different plant-based sausages and the real, meaty sausage had been hidden under his desk.

"You, I think, are a vegan in disguise", teased Jeremy, putting the real meat sausage butty in front of a horrified Mike.
"Not at all," he replied
"What an underhanded, downright rotten trick to pull on a man whose reputation now as the great sausage butty king is ruined."
The 'great sausage butty king' then tried to backtrack, telling viewers that the first butty tasted like 'cardboard' and the second one, which he had just described as luscious and lovely, tasted like 'almost cardboard.'
Looks like Mike has finally flown too close to the sun.
Although the original segment aired a few weeks back, the clip has suddenly gone viral online, and people can't get enough of the sausage expert's fall from grace.
"Hilarious how he tries to backtrack after saying the vegan sausage tastes just like the one he had in the morning", wrote one viewer.
"The man goes from calling it 'luscious and lovely' to 'almost cardboard' when he finds out it’s vegan", noted a second. "If that isn’t a perfect encapsulation of how many meat eaters view vegan food idk what is."
And a third commented: "I refuse to believe that people are THIS against fake meat, how can a vegan sausage make you so annoyed chill out."
Meanwhile, others are less concerned with Mike Parry's mortification and more occupied by which brand of plant-based sausage might have been good enough to trick the 'expert'.
"My bet is on the Richmond ones, they're the closest to classic bangers in my opinion", one comment read.
"I'd bet it's the beyond meat sausages. They do some scientific wizardry", suggested another.
"The 'This Isn't Pork' vegan sausages are really meaty to my tastes", added a third.
Let this be a lesson in why you should never trust a self-proclaimed 'expert' - especially not a self-proclaimed 'sausage expert'.
Topics: Food And Drink, Vegan, Vegetarian, TV and Film