Here we go, tonight is Brit Awards night where the great and good of the music world gather to collect awards!
Only it doesn't seem like everyone is quite that up for the event.
Viewers on social media have already been perplexed by the weirdness of the 'kiss cam' segment, and now they've been wondering what's going on with the people watching it from the actual venue.
Reaction has been rife over what looks to be a pretty lethargic audience, with plenty who are there in person seeming to lack the sort of enthusiasm you'd want for the Brit Awards.
While the O2 is host to a lot of big events the assembled crowd has not exactly created a raucous reception for this year's Brit Awards.
Plenty of those watching along at home have been wondering just what they're witnessing, with plenty thinking there needs to be an injection of energy into tonight's ceremony.
Maybe there's just not enough microphones on the crowd but it's not helping that from the perspective of the viewers at home 'it all just feels so flat'.
"Quite a 'this could've been an email' vibe from the #BRITs audience this year," one said.
Meanwhile, another who was even harsher joked that tonight's Brit Awards were 'brought to you by the people behind the Glasgow Wonka experience'.
Good golly gosh that's a damning indictment, but there are plenty watching along who think the Brits audience 'look miserable as f**k'.
Maybe you just have to be there to soak up the atmosphere, but with so many saying this year's ceremony just seems to be missing that spark of enthusiasm it's not great.
With viewers decrying 'literally no spontaneity and atmosphere tonight', some have been suggesting reasons why the Brits seem to be a bit s**t.
One bloke suggested that the 'core audience will be out clubbing' and that 'everyone else watching is thinking who are these people, groups and songs'.
There is cheering and there is clapping, but with all those people packed into the O2 you might be expecting a bit more noise.
Given that viewers are already grumbling online about the kiss cam it seems as thought the only way is up for tonight's Brits.
Plus even if the audience doesn't sound quite as cacophonous as they could be it doesn't diminish the achievements of the people who have won and been nominated for the awards.
Topics: Brit Awards, Music