Eminem fans who've been here since the very beginning reckon they've spotted a reference in his latest album.
The legendary rapper dropped The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce) today (12 July) and has told people they should listen to the tracks in order to get a better idea of what's going on.
It's album number 12 for Eminem and people are already picking up what he was putting down with the lyrics.
In one of the tracks, 'Temporary', Slim Shady lets his daughter Hailie know that things will be OK once he's gone, and there's plenty of his fans readily admitting that it made them cry.
Then of course there's the 'hardest Diddy diss' contained within the songs 'Antichrist' and 'Fuel', where he really gives the guy both barrels.

However, this latest observation from his OG fans is all about the opening song to the new album.
That first track on The Death of Slim Shady is titled 'Renaissance', and while it might be a kind of rebirth for the rapper there are plenty of fans who reckon it's a throwback to his opening days.
"God damn this flow! Takes me back to 15 year old me listening to slim shady LP for the first time," one fan said.
Someone else said it was 'his Infinite flow and voice' and wished it had been a longer song.
Infinite was Eminem's debut album that was released back in 1996, and his fans think that The Death of Slim Shady shows he can still spit bars like he used to back in the day.

Others said that 'Renaissance' 'def has Infinite vibes' and put this track first to 'show people he can still do this flow'.
Some thought it came from a few years later, saying the track was 'straight 2003-2005 flow', and 'sounds more like Encore than Infinite'.
Encore was Eminem's fifth studio album, released in 2004, and while his devotees are split over exactly which era the rapper was hearkening back to with his flow in 'Renaissance' they're sure that it's a great throwback to his earlier work.
Elsewhere in the album the song 'Houdini', which was released back on 31 May, had his fans declaring that 'real rap is back'.
That one had them thinking of the old days as well, not least because Eminem opened it with the lyrics 'guess who's back, back again'.
We all know where that's from, and if this really is the end of Slim Shady then it was one hell of a ride.