Naked Attraction. It says what it is on the tin. A show where nothing matters but how you look. Although this man's supposed objectification was called out by viewers as going a step too far.
To give the guy his dues, after stripping off and getting completely nude on national television leaving everything hanging for all the world to see - only to later be rejected - is quite a blow.
However, Leon's comment after Nameya decided to eliminate him has led to fierce backlash from some viewers.
Leon was up against five other men, and even made it to Nameya's top three, The Mirror reports.
Unfortunately, battling against one other man and a woman, Leon was then sent home.
However, he didn't appear too upset.
The booted contestant told the camera: "It's one of them. You win some, you lose some but there’s plenty more cl*nge in the sea."
Despite his nonchalant attitude and impressive handling of being sent home without a date - having gotten up on stage butt naked to be judged on each singular body part for all the world to see - Leon has become the subject of scorn.
The rejected contestant may have thought he was just going home with his tail between his legs, but he has also faced a Twitter tirade with users having been left outraged by his language.
One user stated: "Plenty more cl*nge in the sea. Stay classy, Leon."
"Leon you dirty b*stard! CL*NGE!?#NakedAttraction," another wrote.
Others were left bewildered as to how the term had been allowed on national television. "Did orange just use the word cl*nge on National tv???," one questioned.
Another drilled home the reality of the show. "O M F G - someone said the word 'cl*nge' on the TV program that where people judge each other purely on their nude appearance! I mean - WHAT NEXT?!
"'His c*ck isn't big enough' OR 'Her a*se isn't round enough' FFS, drop the pretence ppl ... #NakedAttraction."
A third viewer echoed similar confusion to me at 7:00am in the morning staring at my laptop screen for five minutes trying to figure out just what word the asterisks were concealing. The user stated: "I know I’m getting on a bit but what’s a cl*nge #NakedAttraction."
However, ultimately, for anyone who grew up in Britain in the 2000s, you'd know straight away that Leon's words - while crude - are simply a quote from hit sitcom The Inbetweeners.
In similar Jay Cartwright style, one user joked: "Look I don't watch naked attraction but it seems like the nation had the opportunity to get 'cl*nge' trending and has failed so I'm disappointed in you all."
Topics: Naked Attraction, TV and Film, Channel 4