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Top Brit adult star was kicked out Wayne Lineker's Ocean Beach after having threesome

Top Brit adult star was kicked out Wayne Lineker's Ocean Beach after having threesome

Belle Olivia revealed how she ended up getting booted out of Wayne Lineker's party hotspot in Ibiza

If you're heading to Ibiza and planning to hit up Ocean Beach this summer, just be aware that Wayne Lineker's establishment doesn't take too kindly to guests having threesomes in the bogs.

Adult star Belle Olivia, 21, found this out the hard way when she got a bit too carried away with herself at the party hotspot beloved by celebrities and people who really want a picture on one of the iconic sun loungers.

The Irish model - who is one of the UK's highest-earning OnlyFans creators - has made quite a name for herself online with her raunchy content as well as her wild stories, which she often shares on podcasts.

But Belle's admission about an impromptu ménage à trois in the toilets at Ocean Beach has really taken the biscuit.

During an appearance on The BlueTick Show podcast hosted by Mikey Melin in July last year, she opened up about some of the 'craziest' experiences she has had since becoming an OnlyFans star.

Belle Olivia revealed she got booted out of Ocean Beach for having a threesome in the toilets (Instagram/@belleolivia3x_)
Belle Olivia revealed she got booted out of Ocean Beach for having a threesome in the toilets (Instagram/@belleolivia3x_)

Belle explained that even while she's on her holidays, the grind doesn't stop - so when she saw an opportunity to film some content in a cubicle at Ocean Beach, she grabbed it with both hands.

The Manchester-based adult star did end up getting shown the door as a result though, so don't get any ideas about taking a leaf out of her book.

Like a lot of viewers probably did, Mikey had his head in his hands as Belle began to explain how she ended up being escorted out of the popular venue after her rendezvous with two others was interrupted.

She said: "I got kicked out of Ocean Beach in Ibiza because I had a threesome in the toilets. It was actually so bad. "YOLO, you only live once. It didn't last long, obviously, because the security guards were banging on the door.

"I was so out of it at this point, I just remember the knocking on the door and like four security guards were outside like, 'Hey, get out'."

The OnlyFans star said security guards were banging on the door (YouTube/The BlueTick Show)
The OnlyFans star said security guards were banging on the door (YouTube/The BlueTick Show)

Belle said it happened on a trip to the party island which took place when she was just 19-years-old.

"We just thought it would be funny," she continued. "It was filmed, but it wasn't released because it was a bit of a mess.

"My group was pretty wild."

The blonde explained she didn't get permanently banned from Wayne Lineker's beach club as a result and actually headed back in there the following day.

She quipped: "I kept it cool though, I didn't make any scenes...that time."

Defending her decision to get frisky and attempting to have a threesome in the toilets, Belle insisted she has seen 'loads of people do it'...but usually, it's just two people cramming themselves into a cubicle rather than a trio.

Mikey asked her whether she is bothered by what people might think, but as I'm sure you can guess, she isn't.

Belle, who explained she has been able to financially support her loved ones through her OnlyFans career, added: "I don't really care. I'm rich as f**k now. I'll cry in the Maldives in my villa or mansion while everyone hates on me."

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/The BlueTick Show/Instagram/belleolivia3x_

Topics: OnlyFans, Adult Industry, News, World News, Travel