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You have high IQ and 'sniper vision' if you can spot hidden dog in this image

You have high IQ and 'sniper vision' if you can spot hidden dog in this image

Reddit's 'FindTheSniper' thread has coughed up another difficult brain teaser

Years of bashing CoD might finally come in handy after Reddit is asking for the best snipers around to spot this hidden dog.

If you're familiar with the social media forum, you'll know that it loves to throw up loads of 'can you see it' photos.

From finding a hidden snake in a forest to spotting a 'creepy face' in a group photo, there's all sorts of mad images out there.

But it seems this particular brainteaser in Reddit's 'FindTheSniper' thread is proving to be a lot tougher than the regular ones.

"Find the spaniel," is the caption for the image, showing a dog hidden among heavy debris in a forest or park of some kind.

Let's see if you can find it below:

This one is not easy (Reddit/FindTheSniper)
This one is not easy (Reddit/FindTheSniper)

It'll come as no surprise that the user who submitted the photo gave it a 'difficult' rating and people have seriously struggled with it.

"Most folks centre their subject in the frame so easiest to start in the centre and spread from there," one person suggested.

As another said: "Hahahaha. I was cursing out loud that there wasn't a spaniel in this photo and that OP was f'n with us.

"I eventually gave up and looked at the comments for a hint.

"I now can't UNSEE the spaniel.

"Good one and in 100 percent spirit of this sub. Well done!"

While a third penned: "He’s a sneaky little devil it took me a little while."

Still no luck?

Well, if you keep your eyes in the centre on the photo and slowly look left, you'll notice the brown-coloured pooch hiding in the branches.

As one of the users said, once you see it, you simply can't unsee it.

Now, if you want a slightly easier one then take a look at this white dog, pictured in and among snow-covered trees.

At first glance, it looks almost impossible to find the white-coloured dog, camouflaged against the white backdrop.

To make things even harder, the user has challenged people to locate the pooch within 20 seconds or under.

Can you spot it? (Reddit/FindTheSniper)
Can you spot it? (Reddit/FindTheSniper)

Struggling? Well here's one hint for you.

Although the dog's white fur is blended in with the snow, its ears, nose and eyes are what you need to be looking out for.

If you're still having a bit of trouble, take a peak at the centre of the photo.

Yep, you can see its little ears perking up as it's frolicking through the forest.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/FindTheSniper/Getty Stock Image

Topics: Reddit, Social Media, Dogs