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We’ve all seen our fair share of spooky dolls, from Chucky to Brahms, which may explain why The Repair Shop viewers were so terrified watching Wednesday’s episode (14 June).

The popular BBC series had a surprising visitor in the form of George, a little boy with a few scratches on his face and an unfortunate hairdo.

But George is not human, in fact, he’s a very old ventriloquist doll who was made all the way back 1898.

George’s owner, Alison Gunn Robson, is absolutely infatuated with the doll but acknowledged that the rickety boy wasn’t everyone’s ‘cup of tea’.

George was in serious need of some TLC.

One look at George will tell you that the doll was in desperate need for a makeover but as the team got to work, viewers at home were left seriously disturbed.

One concerned viewer tweeted: “I'm not saying that this ventriloquist doll on @BBCOne the repair shop is demonically possessed but I would suggest it is burnt, and the ashes are spread across the world. Just to be safe. #TheRepairShop.”

Another wrote: “Was gonna watch The Repair Shop but just seen there’s a ventriloquist’s dummy on tonight’s episode. I just can’t…”

A third person complained: “I was going to watch The Repair Shop. But it’s swiftly turned into the stuff of nightmares.”

Someone else joked: “I’m surprised George didn’t kill them all in their sleep.”

After George had his makeover, one Twitter user compared his brand new look to Mr. Bean, writing: “Did anyone else think the ventriloquist dummy ended up looking like Mr. Bean on The Repair Shop?"

Perhaps this is a the perfect example of not judging a book by its cover, eh?

Viewers said George looked like Mr. Bean after his makeover.

George helped Alison through a ‘difficult time’ at school when she was 11 years old.

Alison struggled with dyslexia and the old fella gave her ‘confidence’ as she performed with him at school and made him say cheeky things about teachers, without getting the pair in trouble.

“George could say what he liked, it wasn’t me saying it, it was George,” Alison explained.

“I think he helped me through quite a bad time. I was very dyslexic and so you have quite a big inferiority complex I think, and you’re shy, and I think having George meant I would talk freely and with confidence."

"And also when you live alone you’re not talking to yourself,’ she continued, before confessing: "I know he’s maybe not everybody’s cup of tea but he’s just such a dear old fellow."

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: BBC, TV and Film, Weird