We all want to look good for our partners, right?
Well, it turns out that men regularly up their style, skincare and overall appearance when they enter into a relationship.
The phenomenon has been dubbed the ‘girlfriend effect’, or 'girlfriend air', and women are taking to social media to show off the impact they’ve had on their other half.
In fact, it’s become a huge trend on TikTok, with one user, who goes by the handle @yzelleduran, receiving over 2.8 million views on a video about her husband.

During the short clip, the content creator shared multiple clips of her husband prior to their relationship with him looking a little, um, dishevelled shall we say.
And after a makeover that would be featured in plenty of movies, viewers are then treated to the ‘after’ picture, which shows Yzelle’s husband in multiple influencer-esq poses following his fashion overhaul.
Rather cheekily, she wrote in the caption: “The ‘girlfriend effect’ is so real cause look at my husband.”
And it’s not just women who is feeling the ‘girlfriend effect’.
Another TikToker @gabesco had a staggering 20.6 million views on a similar video about how much his appearance had improved thanks to his girlfriend – chronicling how he changed month by month.
Prior to meeting his partner, he went out in a crop top and blue jeans 'unironically' and dressed in white khakis and a thrifted women's blouse.
And AG (after girlfriend), he ditched those outfits for puffer jackets and a sweatshirt - as well as a different hairstyle.
Whilst it sounds like a win-win, the ‘girlfriend effect’ can have its downsides.

Some TikTokers have expressed concerns about the potential fashion fallout, with the trend potentially depersonalising men’s wardrobes.
In a viral video about the phenomenon, user @velvteenrabbit explained that women unintentionally risked ‘overhauling their boyfriends and completely redesigning them’.
"If this woman is helping him find a more tasteful way of executing his personal style, that's one thing. But a lot of women are not doing that," they said.
They added: "They are just purely telling their boyfriends what to wear and getting rid of any sort of personal style that these boys have accumulated for themselves."
Though it’s always good to share style tips, there is also a risk of upsetting your other half depending on how you intend to share your thoughts.
As one savvy user commented on Yzelle’s video: “The girlfriend effect only works if the guy wants it to.”
There’s also a pretty depressing counter trend called ‘boyfriend air’, in which women share photos of themselves dishevelled as they spend more time with their other half and spend less time on self-care.
Maybe let’s all just focus on our own wardrobe, eh?
Topics: TikTok, Viral, Sex and Relationships