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Diddly Squat hit by major disaster as Clarkson’s Farm films season four

Diddly Squat hit by major disaster as Clarkson’s Farm films season four

Season four of Clarkson's Farm is well under way

A major update has been given on Clarkson's Farm season four and it does not spell good news for Jeremy and his Diddly Squat team.

Jeremy Clarkson's transition to full-time farmer in the heart of the Cotswolds took many by surprise back in 2019, with his exploits documented in the critically-acclaimed Amazon Prime Video series Clarkson's Farm.

Combining elements of the classic Clarkson persona from his Top Gear and The Grand Tour years with a fresh insight in to him as a person - and the struggles faced by those in farming - it has so far brought about three seasons full of charm, wit, realism and camaraderie.

At no point has it been plain sailing for Clarkson, who has had to battle the powers at be at West Oxfordshire District Council over multiple matters at Diddly Squat Farm.

Season three of the show aired in Prime Video in May and included many heartbreaking moments, including the devastating loss of multiple newborn piglets. It also revealed the reality for many in farming when it comes to making a living.

Jeremy on his farm (Instagram / Diddly Squat Farm Shop)
Jeremy on his farm (Instagram / Diddly Squat Farm Shop)

There has been real change, though, with a new 'Clarkson's Clause' introduced by the government just before the 2024 general election was called.

Filming for season four of the show is now well under way, with the future beyond that currently unknown. And in a fresh update on season four, it does not look like good fortune will be following him.

Clarkson has often bemoaned the volatile UK weather, from having too much sun or rain to prolonged cold snaps, it often cannot make up its mind - which can be devastating for crops.

And with the UK reportedly set for 50 days of rain in one of the wettest summers in over a hundred years, 2024 looks like a bleak year for Clarkson and fellow farmers.

Extreme weather can kill off crops in a short amount of time (Amazon)
Extreme weather can kill off crops in a short amount of time (Amazon)

The damage might already have been done, though, when it comes to Diddly Squat Farm.

Sharing a picture of farmland from a helicopter, the Diddly Squat Farm Shop's Instagram page wrote: "It’s going to be a rough year. All that seed sowed, drowned with the constant rain."

The snap from the skies shows three fields of crops ruined by the soggy weather we've experienced in recent weeks and months, drowning out the seed that had only recently been sowed by Clarkson's team.

Just devastating for Diddly Squat (Instagram / Diddly Squat Farm Shop)
Just devastating for Diddly Squat (Instagram / Diddly Squat Farm Shop)

With huge patches of seed washed away, the cost is quite literal when it comes to farming's fine profit and loss margins.

Earlier this year Clarkson took to social media to write 'stop f***ing raining', showing how turbulent the weather when it comes to farmers making an honest living.

Responding to the image of the ruined crops, those following the Diddly Squat Farm Shop page were full of support for the team.

One said: "Another year of non-profit farming. This is probably the biggest thing that Diddly Squat has communicated to the public over the seasons, farming doesn't make money."

Another suggested a different crop going forward to take advantage of the water, writing: "Such a shame, moving forward, plant rice plants!"

Featured Image Credit: Prime Video / Instagram / Diddly Squat Farm

Topics: Amazon, Amazon Prime, Clarkson's Farm, Documentaries, Jeremy Clarkson, TV, Weather