I'll be honest, I completely forgot about the 'just waiting for a mate' guy until l started writing this.
The viral video was initially aired back in 2013 by Australian TV reality show Highway Patrol.
A young man named Clinton is featured in the clip as he tries to sweet-talk his way out of a confrontation with a policeman.
Let's just say if he wasn't so blatantly intoxicated and his car wasn't completely smashed in, then he might of got away with it.
Instead, all he could respond with was: "Just waiting for a mate."
Senior Constable Ash Bowden asked him: "Is that why your car is all smashed up and you're up on the grass at the moment?"

Still, Clinton kept sticking to his story in the face of the officer’s questions, reiterating that he was just ‘waiting for a mate’.
Upon being asked what the name of this ‘mate’ was, the drunken man waited, before blurting out ‘James’ almost as a question.
The whole thing went on for a few minutes, with the police officer backing Clinton into a corner, whilst he further revealed his drunkenness.
At one stage he even admitted that he’d had his licence taken off him before for drink driving, as well as refusing to get out of the car or hand over said licence.
When asked whether he wanted to go to the police station, Clinton said: “Definitive…can you define that?”
What happened to the 'just waiting for a mate' guy?

When all was said and done, Clinton was taken back to a police station in Victoria and was fined $600 (£480).
He was also sentenced to four months of community service and was disqualified from driving for three years.
Still commenting on the clip in 2025, one viewer said: "Is it possible that a drunk man waiting for his mate decided to wait in an already smashed up car that was ditched?"
Just last year, another added: "This is pure comedy. Whats also incredible is the way Ash handled the situation as well. Unnecessary force has become so common these days that it's rare to see a police officer calmly take control of a situation, which is actually pretty sad. Ash is a great cop."
"I live down the road from this Coles carpark I’ve realised," someone else claimed.
"Cannot figure out for the life of me how he’s managed to get the car to where it’s stopped.
"I reckon he’s gone to turn in to the carpark but turned like 20 metres too early and smashed over the gutter and footpath and kept his foot in it until it’s beached itself on the curb on the other side of the nature strip, which is about 10 metres wide."