In case you were wondering why everyone is talking about this it's because of an iconic scene from the Spanish reality show La Isla de las Tentaciones, or Temptation Island in English.
A clip from this wild show which puts couples in separate villas and tempts them with infidelity while their partners watch has gone viral around the world after a man watched his girlfriend get into bed with another man. Check it out:
The man is one José Carlos Montoya who went on the show with his girlfriend Anita Williams, supposedly to test their 10 month relationship and see whether they were ready for a baby.
During their time on the show Montoya watched Anita kiss another man, causing him to kick over the iPad he'd been viewing the footage on, while she'd watched him get a lap dance and strip tease.
It all came to a head one fateful night when Anita was getting into bed with Manuel while Montoya was shown the footage of what was going on in their bedroom.
This was enough to send the man sprinting across the beach to the villa where she was staying while the show's host Sandra Barneda shouted at him to stop.

Montoya screams outside the villa and Anita comes out calling him a 'scoundrel', but soon goes to hug him while he breaks down on the beach.
There's more that we didn't see in the viral clip though, as Telecino showed some 'unpublished images' from behind the scenes footage of the incident which reveals more of their argument.
In the behind the scenes footage, Montoya has to be held back by other men in the villa before falling to his knees on the sandy beach - the man is nothing if not a walking drama machine.
He shouts at Anita, as translated: "You are the most fake in the world, you are going to look terrible, what do you think you are doing here telling a story?
"I have respected you, fake, I have respected you. I wanted a future with you, by your side."

Anita shouted back: "Go get eaten by someone else, you are a shameless b**tard, you are more into the show, my God..."
She then told her friends: "Do you know what happens? Now he's going to come home and f**k the other girl out of revenge. I did it because I felt like it."
As they were held back from each other they yelled further insults, while Montoya dramatically fell to the ground amidst some trees to communicate his anguish, as though sprinting across a beach hadn't already done that.
Speaking on TV about his big moments on La Isla de las Tentaciones, Montoya refuted claims that he was being theatrical.
"Montoya goes where he shines, that's what bothers you," he said to another contestant who'd claimed he was playing things up for the cameras.
Topics: Entertainment, TV, Viral, Sex and Relationships