A man who told off his girlfriend for not 'doing her jobs' around the house has well and truly sparked a debate online.
It's 2023 and here we still are, seeing people criticise their partners for not doing enough around the house... who'd had thought it, eh?
While the majority of people who live with a partner would expect the share of household jobs to be 50/50, this clearly isn't the case for some.
And this includes YouTube stars and podcasters Ethan Payne (of Sidemen fame) and Faith Kelly, who have been together since 2021 and have since gone on to welcome their little girl, Olive.
They often take to their weekly podcast Growing Paynes, which sees the couple discuss all aspects of life, relationships and parenting.
And one of their recent chats has ruffled quite a few feathers, with Ethan - who is also one seventh of YouTube group The Sidemen alongside the likes of KSI - seemingly having a go at his other half for not 'doing her jobs'.
"He just said I didn't do my jobs anymore... which is cleaning," Faith says in the episode, to which Ethan interjects and says: "It's not just cleaning!"
He continued: "I feel like in the last two weeks or so, there's been an unfair shift on what we've been doing."

Well, Faith was having none of it, as she decided to point out that while his two jobs are to empty the dishwasher and take out the bins, she does 'seven loads of washing, folding, put everything away each night, cook dinner, feed Olive, give her a bath and put her to bed'.
And after she's done all of this, she comes back down to find Ethan 'sitting on the sofa scratching on his balls' while she continues to tidy up and put away Olive's things.
Ethan tried to defend his corner by saying he 'doesn't get a thank you' for tidying up mess - before pointing out how she'll just tidy up after him again once he's done it.
While the couple had a laugh about the whole situation and made light of it, people online weren't impressed at all.
One wrote: "Yeah it's not looking good. This ain't gonna last," while another said: "Ethan Payne just comes off so poorly the more I see of him."

And one even said: "I genuinely do not understand how people don’t leave their partners when they are like this..."
The way Ethan spoke to Faith was also criticised, as one person said: "You have your long-term partner sitting there, telling you how much housework they do (including looking after your child) and how comparatively little you do, and your reaction is to critique them on their performance over the last 2wks, like you’re their manager."
This isn't the first time the couple have faced heat over their discussions, as earlier this week Ethan was criticised for telling Faith she should take his name if they were to ever marry.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Parenting, YouTube