This is another one for the cave nuts, though there is no footage of men squeezing their way through tight spaces in this one.
Instead, a GoPro has been chucked down what is known as the 'deepest hole in the world', in footage that would terrify most people.
Known on Dr. Ty on YouTube, this content creator was known for his weird experiments and exploration videos on the site a number of years ago, though he has since been scarce with uploads.

Apparently, the deepest hole on our planet is in the Utah desert in the USA, though a quick Google will tell you that the actual title belongs to the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, which boasts a depth of 12,262 metres (40,220ft).
Take nothing away from the 1,000ft hole in Utah though, which is just under the height of the Chrysler building in New York.
At the start of the viral video, which has over 33 million views since being uploaded in July 2013, we can see Dr. Ty and a friend approaching the holt near Dugway military base in the Utah desert.
He showed the camera the equipment he was using, including the GoPro, that was all attached to an incredibly long string.
In the description, he listed what the rig consisted of: "A mini keychain spy camera, an LED flashlight, Styrofoam (for both padding and floatation, in case we hit water), a pencil (to protect the lens from rock strikes), fishing line, and a power drill (to reel the line back in)."

Dr. Ty then drops the GoPro into the hole, which smashes off the sides until it reaches the bottom, about two minutes after the initial drop.
In the video, everything appears pitch black at the bottom, with slight bursts of light and the surrounding walls but not much else being revealed.
However, the content creator began to throw small rocks down the hole in the video, but it didn't land in the same place as the camera, instead being heard in the distance where it seemed to land somewhere else.
The YouTuber explained in the description: "We have no explanation for the lack of objects at the bottom,
"Where did it go? Also, seems to me there were some strange albeit faint sounds down there," he explained.
The footage is incredibly chilling, and the answer to where the rocks really ended up has never been revealed, so it's now just another mystery that will pass your mind every now and then in the near future.

After taking the GoPro out of the hole, Dr. Ty's friend walks away from the hole with the other end of the wire that the GoPro was attached to, only stopping when the wire runs out.
He can be seen in the distance, about 1,000 ft away, with the content creator needing to zoom in to see him properly, giving perspective on just how deep the hole is.
Users in the comments were intrigued though, with one asking: "The real question is: Why is there a hole like this and how did they make it?"
Another said: "Who's only concerned about the camera getting scratched?"
A third joked: "What if he yelled 'Hello?' and someone replied with
Another user posted: "Imagine there was a giant pile of human bones down there."
I guess we'll never know what was down there.