Cooking YouTuber Rosanna Pansino, who gained attention recently for reporting MrBeast to the FBI, has drawn controversy for smoking her dad’s ashes.
In a new podcast by Pansino, she revealed as she was lighting a joint that her father’s ashes were mixed in.
The inaugural episode of her new podcast Rodiculous was titled Smoking My Dead Dad.
Pansino is most well known for being a cooking YouTuber, with her running a series called Geeky Cooking Show.
She has amassed almost 15 million subscribers in her almost a decade of being a content creator.

The episode saw her dedicating it to her father, who she refers to on her channel as ‘Papa Pizza’.
Papa Pizza passed away five years from Leukemia.
She revealed in the podcast that she was smoking his ashes as it was actually his dying wish.
She posted on Twitter saying: “We lost my dad about five years ago to Leukemia. He was the best. His dying wish was to be grown into a cannabis plant and be smoked.
“So, that’s what I did. The first episode of my new podcast, Rodiculous, is dedicated to him. Love and miss you every day, Papa Pizza.”
On the podcast, she said, "My dad was a badass and quite a little rebel and I will be following in his footsteps, like father like daughter, so to start this episode I want to tell you guys about my dad’s dying wish.

“Before he passed, he told me and my mom what he would like us to do with his ashes.”
Despite saying she was unsure at first, and that her mother feared it was too ‘hippy’, she went on to say: “As time has gone on and it’s been five years now, we just really think that it’s the right time to do what dad wanted and to honour him the way he wanted.”
She stated that she went on to reach out to a licenced marijuana grower in California, where it is legal for adults over the age of 21.
His ashes were then mixed into the soil of the plant, which she smoked the resulting marijuana from.
‘Papa Pizza’ appeared on the channel before his passing, with one fan responding, saying: “I remember watching your father on the channel, he was so lovely.
‘What a cool wish he had! Do you plan on keeping some seeds to regrow in his honour for a long while?”
Pansino stated that they had indeed kept the seeds.

Whilst on first glance many were taken aback by the bizarre nature of Pansino’s father’s request, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive from those who have watched.
One comment on YouTube said: “As a member of the dead dads club, this episode was so healing.
“My dad had problems and wasn’t the best person at times . But he was an amazing dad to me , I miss him everyday.”
Another said: “This entire episode gave me life. I can't begin to explain how many times I cried, what a special way to honor your dad's memory.
“Immediately went and called my dad after watching, grateful for this beautiful reminder of how special life and family are.”