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Clever reason why pubs hide pound signs from their paper menus

Clever reason why pubs hide pound signs from their paper menus

Pubs know exactly what they are doing

Although the weather is trying its best to ruin summer, it hasn't stopped Brits heading over to the beer garden to make the most of it.

After all, we only get one 'slightly warm' period of the year and before you know it, it'll be Christmas.

On that scary thought, the Monday after a weekend of drinking is sobering in more ways than one.

Pubs know exactly what they are doing. (Getty Stock Images)
Pubs know exactly what they are doing. (Getty Stock Images)

With the cost of drinking, you will often find yourself wondering how you managed to spend so much in just one sesh.

Well, it is not a coincidence, as Jade Jordan, Customer Experience expert at digital marketing agency Add People, has explained how pubs apparently trick you into coughing up that little bit extra.

When the bartender asks: "Do you want a double or do you want a single?" they make sure to say 'double' first to put it at the forefront of your mind.

"Go on then, I'll have a double," is usually the response.

Also, after ordering food, you ask 'how many' sides you would like, rather than 'do you want'.

The pound signs are often missing from the menu. (Getty Stock Images)
The pound signs are often missing from the menu. (Getty Stock Images)

Another strategy pubs use is not putting pound signs on their paper menus.

Jade said: “Next time you’re in a pub, ordering from a paper menu, have a look and see if you can spot £ signs. You may have never noticed these nifty tricks, but many menus omit the £ when listing their prices.

"This isn’t for design reasons, but it is purely a way to convert more customers into ordering, as studies show that removing the sign disassociates the money from numbers, so you don’t feel like you’re spending money. Without it, the price and number are less meaningful.

“Both Wetherspoon and Stonegate, who own nearly 6,000 pubs between them, remove £ signs from lots of their printed food menus. But they also use pound signs when they want to draw your attention, such as a deal or promotion."

It's all about marketing. (Getty Stock Images)
It's all about marketing. (Getty Stock Images)

Meanwhile, Wetherspoon told LADbible in a statement: "All posters have pound signs on.

"The table talker advertising drinks has pound signs on.

"On the main food menu on the front cover we have pound signs, and inside where there is an offer i.e. ‘3 small plates for £14.93’ we use the sign.

"Apart from that inside the menu we don’t.

"Same with the steak and curry club wrap menu, headline price has £, rest doesn’t.

"For context this isn’t a new thing, our menus have been like this for at least 15 years."

LADbible has contacted Stonegate for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Food And Drink, Alcohol