It can be pretty confronting to see your mates struggle with letting go of an addiction, but it’s important to let them know that they can count on you. That’s why we’re giving you everything you need to help them make it through the long stretch and emerge without a vape attached to their hand.
Let’s start with the most important factor — it’s crucial that you’re not deterring your friend from quitting by passing judgement, even if you think it’s all in good fun. Whether you’ve never vaped or smoked a day in your life, or you regularly smoke or vape, it’s important to recognise that the decision to stop isn’t an easy one to make.
Most vapes contain nicotine, which is one addictive beast. And while you might not fully understand what it's like to expel it from your system, it's vital to respect the challenge your friends are facing. So, how can you offer support without overstepping boundaries?
First of all, be sure that you’re approaching the situation with empathy — even if you’ve never experienced the addiction yourself. Know that there are some behaviours that might emerge when someone is weaning off an addictive substance — so be prepared for mood changes and irritability. Ask them what they need, and know when not to ask at all. Honour the response you get, don’t take anything personally and listen when they do speak.

If you were able to overcome the addiction yourself, remember that everyone’s journey to quit is unique. What worked for you might not necessarily work for them. Resist the temptation to force your methods onto them. Instead, offer guidance, share your experience, but ultimately, follow their lead and let them carve their path to freedom from the shackles of a vape addiction.
If you haven’t quit yet, but have been thinking about it — it might be a good time to suggest quitting together. There’s strength in numbers, and it’s always easier to undertake a mammoth task like this one when you have someone to help keep you accountable and lean on in the harder moments.
Calvin, here at LADbible, recently successfully quit vaping and we asked him what his support system was like. He said, “I was lucky enough to have mates around me that were also quitting, so it was a collective experience with an almost competitive element that helped motivate us. I think the most important thing is to not be that friend that is constantly vaping in front of others or offering it around.”
If you’re not ready to let go of the addiction yourself, that’s absolutely okay too. Just be sure not to offer your vape to anyone you know is quitting, and try not to mention it or vape around them. Temptation can easily trigger a relapse, which means you’ll be contributing to destroying all the progress they’ve already made.
If you know a mate is trying to quit, be sure to keep an eye out for signs that they might need some extra support. A lot of people don’t know just how tight of a grip a vaping addiction has on them until they try to nix it. And the tighter the grip, the harder it’ll hit them when they stop — and the more intense their withdrawal symptoms will be.

Irritability, anxiety, feeling down in the dumps, trouble focusing or disrupted sleep are all signs that your mate might be grappling with withdrawal. It's like their body's screaming for just one more hit. And this is where your unwavering support needs to kick in.
Let them know it's okay to feel whatever they’re experiencing and make sure they know you believe it. Offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on or simply distract them with a good laugh. Knowing that someone's got their back can make those withdrawal woes a little less daunting.
All in all, it’s important to keep being the rock your mate needs. Together, you can navigate through the toxic clouds and emerge stronger on the other side. Stay supportive, stay empathetic and help them kick their vape addiction to the curb, one day at a time. Find out more about how you can help your mates on their journey to being vape-free here.
And to all our quitters looking to benefit their lives and free themselves from the shackles of vaping — keep pushing forward. Each setback is just a stepping stone to success. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family for help if you need it, or call the Quitline on 13 7848.