An expert has revealed the tell tale signs that your partner is ready to take the next step in your relationship.
Imagine this, you've finally made it past the awkward dating app stage and enjoying a blossoming relationship.
Instead of stilted small talk your days are now replaced with meeting the family and discussions about what your future relationship will look like.
If the relationship is going really well you may even start wondering what the next steps are. Marriage, children, buying a house together?
If you're ready to tie the knot but unsure if your partner feels the same, here are the main signs that you may be receiving a marriage proposal in the near future.

You get an invite to meet the family
Receiving an invitation to meet the family is one the first signs that your significant other sees you sticking around for the long-haul. After all, why would you bother to introduce someone to your grandparents and distant cousins if the relationship was just casual?
According to psychologist Sabrina Romanoff, introducing your partner to important people in your life is a sign they are serious.
"If they are serious about you as a life partner, they likely will introduce you to the important people in their life," Romanoff told Verywellmind.
"[It's] a sign that they want to integrate you into their life in a meaningful way and to make sure you are compatible with their friend and family groups."
'I' becomes 'We'
Another sign that your partner has marriage on the brain is if they factor you into their longterm plans.
Discussing plans about buying a house together, window shopping for nice furniture - especially if they're asking for your opinion on home decor preferences.

Does your partner also refer to the two of you as a 'we' instead of a 'you and I'? If so, this could be another sign things are getting serious.
According to research undertaken by the University of California, engaging in 'we-talk' is a key indicator that you have moved from self-oriented to relationship-oriented.
You begin to talk about wedding plans
Most of us have speculated what our future hypothetical wedding day could look like from time to time.
However if you find your significant other frequently looking for a way to bring up discussions around weddings or getting married, it could be a sign they're testing the water to see where you stand on marriage.
They've been engaged before
Your partner having multiple engagements under their belt can mean one of two things - they're afraid of commitment or they really believe in the idea of marriage.
"If they have been engaged before, they likely are marriage-oriented and hopefully have learned from their past experience," Romanoff said, adding that a previous engagement at least shows their intent for long-term commitment.

However it's also important to remember that a string of failed engagements could also be a sign that your partner is quick to rush in to situations they're not fully ready for.
Now we're not saying these signs mean you should rush to book wedding venues or make a shortlist of baby names right away, but if your partner is showing more than one of these signs it might be time to sit down and have an open conversation about your expectations for the future.
Topics: Dating trends, Sex and Relationships