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Flight attendant shares ‘worst’ type of passengers that ‘put people at risk’ while flying

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Flight attendant shares ‘worst’ type of passengers that ‘put people at risk’ while flying

Just do as you're told, please

A flight attendant has explained the behaviour the 'worst' type of passenger on a plane does, saying it puts everyone at risk needlessly.

It's already been established that they don't like it when you steal their sweets and they will spot what you're getting up to because they've been doing this a lot longer than you have.

If you want to stay on their good side then don't get your feet out on the plane, wear headphones if you're going to be playing something with sound and don't be overly descriptive with the stuff you've got going on.

They do not want to smell your feet, they do not want to hear your music and they definitely don't want to know the reason why you need the toilet.

Now one flight attendant has revealed the behaviour the 'worst' type of passengers get up to.

"Are you passengers behaving yourselves? Good, I'd hate for you to end up in an internet article as an anecdote of how not to behave." (Getty Stock Image)
"Are you passengers behaving yourselves? Good, I'd hate for you to end up in an internet article as an anecdote of how not to behave." (Getty Stock Image)

Writing in CNN, experienced flight attendant Heather Poole explained that the one thing which really grinds her gears is when passengers undo their seat belt.

The reason for this is that even when the seatbelt light goes off the plane could still suddenly encounter turbulence and drop sharply.

She explained that in 28 years as a flight attendant she had learned it could strike suddenly and result in a much bumpier ride than expected.

Poole said there was also a drastic difference between the front and back of the plane, recounting that there had been times where she'd had to tell pilots to stick the seat belt light on because they were 'rocking and rolling in the back'.

Having the light on helps convince passengers it's time to buckle up, writing that it helps when she has to 'suggest to Mum and Dad that it might be a good idea to pick their sleeping baby up off the floor without completely offending them'.

Put your seat belt on, it's not rocket science. (Getty Stock Image)
Put your seat belt on, it's not rocket science. (Getty Stock Image)

Even more annoying to the flight attendant are the passengers who see the seat belt light come back on and then suddenly decide they really need something from the overhead storage.

Now they're putting everyone at risk and she doesn't like it, with Poole saying she knew a pilot who didn't like to switch the light off on flights they knew would be a bumpy ride.

As if suddenly fiddling through the overhead luggage wasn't enough, the flight attendant said that some people decided a period of turbulence was the perfect time to order a hot drink.

Her best advice for the 'worst' type of passengers was to put the seat belt on as it could be the difference between a bumpy ride and your head slamming into the ceiling.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, a reminder from your flight attendant: Keep your #@$%&! seat belt on. Thank you. Have a nice day," she wrote.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Plane Etiquette, Travel

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