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Man ends up on 11-hour flight where 'entire plane is forced to rawdog'

Man ends up on 11-hour flight where 'entire plane is forced to rawdog'

'Rawdogging' has become a viral trend, though heaven knows why

A bloke ended up on an 11-hour flight where so many of the passengers on board were forced to 'rawdog'.

Get your minds out of the gutter and let me tell you that to rawdog a flight simply means to be on it with no forms of entertainment or distractions.

You simply sit in your assigned seat for the duration of the journey and wait for it to be over, that's how to rawdog a flight.

It's become a viral trend, though heaven knows why as it sounds horribly boring.

A woman who recently decided to rawdog her flight from Mykonos to Gatwick ended up regretting it hugely, as her initial optimism at flying through the skies with no bells, whistles or distractions backfired considerably.

She spent several hours on a plane and by hour number two was finding it 'excruciating' as she developed a stomach ache and 'pure inexplicable rage' at basically every single person on board the flight.

Those are some nice screens, would be a shame if they broke and left you with nothing to do for hours. (Getty Stock Image)
Those are some nice screens, would be a shame if they broke and left you with nothing to do for hours. (Getty Stock Image)

While she did that experience voluntarily (and wouldn't repeat it again), some other poor unfortunate soul recorded the moment the chair screens on his flight went down and a whole load of passengers were left with nothing to do but sit there.

YouTuber @movieblues420 said that he was on board an 11-hour flight 'where the entire plane was forced to rawdog' once the screens went down.

The most people could do was switch their screens to a little map which told them how long they still had to go on the plane.

About four hours into the flight the YouTuber explained that there was a 'total blackout' as they tried resetting the screens to see if that might make something work.

He couldn't even nap on the flight as a neighbour who had thought to bring some books was using the reading light. (YouTube/@movieblues420)
He couldn't even nap on the flight as a neighbour who had thought to bring some books was using the reading light. (YouTube/@movieblues420)

"Hours five and six I'd like to call the 'please wait' portion of the torture session," he said, with his footage showing a plethora of passengers and nothing to do but stare at a screen that was blank beyond the words urging them to be patient.

He then explained that for a couple of hours after resetting the screens they just showed the airline's logo, and while he tried to get some kip his neighbour 'had a reading light on that was brighter than the sun'.

Yes, while some passengers were forced to rawdog their flight through lack of alternatives others actually had some things to occupy their time with.

Fortunately for our video maker, he and his wife were spared the ordeal of having to rawdog with everybody else as they had brought books and downloaded movies.

He explained in a comment that they 'watched four episodes of House of the Dragon and then a slew of movies'.

However, he noted that the people sitting around him who'd been relying on the screens in front of them to provide entertainment were 'really displeased and quite irate'.

Summing up the entire experience for those involved he said it was 'miserable' and had no idea why the rawdogging trend had taken off.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Movieblues420

Topics: Travel, Viral