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Hundreds outraged over male passenger's 'gross' and 'disgusting' act sat next to woman on flight

Hundreds outraged over male passenger's 'gross' and 'disgusting' act sat next to woman on flight

Nebraska-native Brenda couldn't believe the audacity of the bloke sat next to her on the plane

It seems that airlines need to start introducing compulsory refresher classes on plane etiquette before allowing passengers to board, as it appears that good manners have gone right out of the window this summer.

And according to this woman, it's the opposite sex who are in dire need of a crash course on how to be courteous towards fellow travellers.

A holidaymaker called Brenda, who hails from the US state of Nebraska, has told of her outrage after being seated next to quite the inconsiderate bloke while jetting off on a break.

She explained she had got comfortable in her seat in the middle aisle when a fella come and plonked himself next to her.

But according to Brenda, the passenger skipped the pleasantries and just got straight to p***ing her off for the duration of the flight instead by sitting with his legs akimbo.

If you ever wondered what everyone was complaining about when discussing manspreading on a plane, this might be the perfect example, as the guy couldn't get his legs any wider apart.

Brenda wasn't best pleased with her neighbour spreading his legs so widely apart (Facebook/Dull Women's Club Original)
Brenda wasn't best pleased with her neighbour spreading his legs so widely apart (Facebook/Dull Women's Club Original)

Sharing a snap which showed how the selfish traveller was sprawled out next to her on a Facebook group, Brenda fumed: "Why do so many guys on airplanes think they can spread out and consume other people's space?

"This guy has his whole left leg in my leg space. C'mon! I don't even know you! I hate not having an aisle seat."

The pair appeared to be uncomfortably near to one another in their seats, so much so that the bloke's knee was brushed right up against Brenda's - which was way too close for comfort in her eyes.

Social media users were in firm agreement with her and flooded the post with hundreds of comments as they vented their frustrations.

One said: "Manspreading - almost as infuriating as mansplaining."

Another raged while encouraging Brenda to get revenge: "Yep, why is it always men who think they can invade your space? Be subtle, push him back into his own corner."

A third added: "Nothing more gross than a stranger's leg in contact with yours. Especially a bare leg. Trigger for me!"

While a fourth chimed in: "I'm done moving for men. When walking in public spaces I don't move out of their way anymore.

"Men expect us to move. Nope. F*** that."

Women hit out at blokes who manspread in public on the Facebook post (Getty Stock Photo)
Women hit out at blokes who manspread in public on the Facebook post (Getty Stock Photo)

Others slammed the man for his sheer 'entitlement', while being left stunned that he had the 'audacity' to completely disregard plane etiquette in favour of spreading his legs.

Some also pinned a portion of the blame on the airline, saying that although the bloke's behaviour is 'annoying', the fact firms try and cram in as many seats as possible means there isn't a lot of room to go around.

Although manspreading might be the bane of a lot of women's lives, it turns out that there might actually be a scientific explanation behind it, rather than blokes just rudely taking up all the space.

Spinal neurosurgeon John Sutcliffe previously told The Independent: "The overall width of the pelvis is relatively greater in females and the angle of the femoral neck is more acute. These factors could play a role in making a position of sitting with the knees close together less comfortable in men.

“I suspect most men would suggest the reason for adopting the more spread posture in sitting would be the avoidance of testicular compression from the thigh muscles.

"The pelvic rotation goes some way to improve compression in both aspects."

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/dullwomenscluboriginal/Getty Stock Image

Topics: Plane Etiquette, Travel, Facebook, Social Media, Holiday