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Couple revealed their ‘genius’ plan to stop passengers from sitting next to them on a flight

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Couple revealed their ‘genius’ plan to stop passengers from sitting next to them on a flight

It's certainly a creative way to get yourself some extra space on the plane

A couple have revealed their 'genius' hack for keeping the middle seat on an aeroplane free - however not everybody is convinced.

Everyone knows that random allocated seating in air travel is very similar to Russian roulette.

Will you get an entire row of seats to stretch out across? Or will you be treated to two hours from hell cramped in-between an arguing couple or screaming children?

There's simply no knowing until the moment you step onboard.

Everyone knows a good aeroplane can either make of break a holiday (Getty Stock Images)
Everyone knows a good aeroplane can either make of break a holiday (Getty Stock Images)

However one creative couple have shared their hack for getting a row of seats to themselves, and their methods are dividing the internet.

Taking to TikTok, creator Olivia (@olivialynne93) revealed that she and her boyfriend will typically book the aisle and window seat on the same row when travelling abroad.

But what about the middle seat you ask? Wouldn't it be awkward spend several hours in the air passing snacks over a random stranger?

Well there's a way around that too, all you need to do is gather up all the blankets in your house before setting off.

Check out the hack below:

The clip begins with Olivia filming herself giggling in a busy cabin before panning over to her boyfriend who is cradling something in his arms.

"Does anyone else's boyfriend do the most absurd things to keep the middle seat open on an aeroplane," she says in the voiceover.

"Like pretending to have a baby?"

That's right folks, carrying a pretend baby is a definite way to keep the other travellers at bay. Bonus points if you're playing a crying noise while everyone else boards for extra effect.

After all, nobody enjoys flying next to a screaming baby. Baby included.

Would you try this? (TikTok/olivialynne93)
Would you try this? (TikTok/olivialynne93)

The video has since gone viral, with several users calling the act 'genius' and 'a brilliant idea' while others recommended holding the vomit bag to their face in order to scare off other passengers.

However not everyone is convinced due to the fact that airline seats are randomly allocated and not a free for all like it is on other forms of public transport.

"Everyone is given a boarding time and a seat when they’re ticketed. You can’t just go in and decide to sit anywhere you like," one person pointed out, while a second added: "I don’t get it airplane [sic] tickets are assigned though not free for all?"

One user even wondered what you'd do in a situation where a stranger came and sat down in the middle seat regardless of the baby deterrent, adding: "Imagine it doesn’t work that someone still sits there for you have to keep the bit going."

Featured Image Credit: olivialynne93/TikTok

Topics: Travel, Plane Etiquette