A pilot has shared a genius hack for anyone scared of turbulence as they travel, and it’s wonderfully simple.
The best thing about it is that it involves something you’ll probably already have with you on board:
Jimmy Nicholson is an Australian pilot, who’s used to all the quirks of air travel – including turbulence, which can sometimes feel terrifying, even though all it is technically is a sudden shift in airflow.
Nicholson recently posted a video on TikTok to show ‘some of the worst turbulence’ he’d ever experienced.
However, throughout the short clip, he seemed completely nonplussed as he talked to the camera, while those around him screamed and shrieked in fear.
“Horrible turbulence on our flight today,” he wrote in the caption.
“I’m a pilot and actually fly this aircraft type (Airbus). Here’s why you have nothing to worry about.”

In the video, an off-duty Nicholson said fresh air and looking out of the window can really help if you’re feeling worried about turbulence, though if you don’t have a window – as he didn’t at the time – that may not always help.
But he did share another trick involving a bottle of water, which should do the trick when you suddenly feel like you're about to come crashing down.
To prove his own point, he held up a water bottle to show just how still the plane actually was.
“Water bottle trick: the water isn’t moving much is it?” he said.

True to his word, the water inside the plastic bottle only seemed to be bobbing about gently – painting a much calmer picture than the plane as it appeared to jerk violently in the sky.
He continued: “We’re at the back of the plane, so [the turbulence] is worse here. It’s not comfortable. It’s probably some of the worst I’ve been in.
“It could be widespread storms, so they just have to pick their path of least resistance and go through it.
“But, also there’s nothing to worry about.
“Planes are built to withstand way worse. It’s not fun evidently, but completely fine.”
He added: “This is one that deserves a clap!”

Indeed, as the plane landed, Nicholson filmed as grateful passengers broke into applause, saying: “Pilots earned their money today.”
His video has racked up more than 700,000 likes, along with thousands of comments from grateful travellers.
“This helps so much!” one said.
“We need more pilots to post about the stuff the rest of us think will be the last minutes of our lives.”
Another joked: “I need an emotional support pilot next to me when I fly."