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Common phrase Brits always say to shopkeepers has Americans 'losing their minds'

Common phrase Brits always say to shopkeepers has Americans 'losing their minds'

They don't understand why we say it.

A bloke has ended up confusing the entire nation of the US after releasing his videos where he revealed a major linguistical difference.

Whether you think Britain and America are united or divided by a common language, you're sure to find some points of disagreement on what to say.

Lots of words travel across the pond and slip themselves into the local vernacular, that's just a part of how language grows and evolves over time.

However, when TikToker Josh decided to elaborate on some of the differences between how Brits and Americans spoke he rather stirred the transatlantic hive.

The Brit used to live over in the US, and he said that while he was over there people would often refer to each other as 'sir' or 'ma'am', something that you wouldn't really hear on this sceptred isle.

He pointed out that Brits say something Americans don't. (TikTok/@imjoshfromengland2)
He pointed out that Brits say something Americans don't. (TikTok/@imjoshfromengland2)

Josh explained the whole thing in one of his videos where he was trying to deal with the response.

He said: "I made a video yesterday and America lost its mind. One of the biggest cultural differences that I found between the UK and America is that in America, everyone would say 'sir' or 'ma'am' all the time. In the UK, we don't do that.

"A lot of Americans have asked, 'what do you say in the UK?' And I'm going to go to a shop right now and show you exactly what we say. "This is not a skit, a joke or a prank. This is legit, okay?"

He then showed a video of him going into a shop and buying something, with a counter to tick off the number of times he said 'mate'.

He managed to make it to eight in the whole purchase, where he bought a bottle of Dr Pepper, and this left some Americans a bit baffled as to whether us Brits used it on everyone.

Apparently we like saying 'mate' a lot. (TikTok/@imjoshfromengland2)
Apparently we like saying 'mate' a lot. (TikTok/@imjoshfromengland2)

This isn't the first time Josh has fallen foul of Americans and their version of the English language.

In another video he said 'America officially came for me' after he posted some footage of himself calling a woman 'love', which apparently is just asking for trouble on the other side of the pond.

It is pretty contextual when Brits are using it, as you wouldn't say it to everyone and it might p**s some folks off, but judging by the reaction Josh got you definitely wouldn't be uttering it in the US.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@imjoshfromengland2

Topics: TikTok, UK News, US News