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Police officer confirms reason cops touch the back of car they’re pulling over
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Police officer confirms reason cops touch the back of car they’re pulling over

They do it for a couple of reasons.

Did you know that when police stop a car they almost always end up touching the boot of the vehicle?

It's not a big gesture but it happens so often that plenty have been wondering what it's all about and why police would do it.

I'm sure a fine, upstanding member of society such as yourself would never have been pulled over by police, but if such an injustice has ever befallen you (or you watch a lot of police shows), you might have noticed it.

Now, a police officer has revealed the reason behind it.

TikToking cop Craig Sroka admitted he didn't always do it, but really should for a very good reason.

Touch the car, leave a mark.

He said: "You know, when I first started I used to do it all the time, I've got lazy about it.

"But yes, you should. This is why and I'm sure you already know the reason but some don't.

"So you put your fingerprints on the back of their car so that way god forbid if something bad happens, if there's a shootout and the car takes off, somebody gets hurt, whatever may happen during that traffic stop causing that vehicle to take off.

"That way you can dust for fingerprints and you dust the back of it and your fingerprints should be on the back of that car.

"That's how you knew it was that car that was involved in whatever crime may or may not have been committed."

As well as that, a traffic safety expert said another reason behind the habit was to make sure the car boot was closed.

It's something police do plenty of the time.

Apparently it's a concern that during traffic stops someone might burst out of the back of the car, so making sure it's securely shut helps.

This dual reason helps the police avoid any sort of surprises emerging from the boot and leaves a part of themselves on the car as evidence.

So there you go, if you're ever to decide you want to join the massed ranks of law enforcement, you'd better start practicing how to leave traces of yourself on the back of any car you come across.

Not that it'll help you if you ever have to carry out a police officer's ultimate duty, catching swans (it's just the one swan actually).

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@mr .alexaa TikTok / @csroka

Topics: Crime, TikTok, Cars