Swimming with sharks certainly is an acquired taste, isn't it?
Frankly, I couldn't think of anything worse than sharing the water with a giant fish that could eat me, but hey, that's me.
But should you be one of those people who would like to tread water with a shark, then this TikToker has some advice you would do well to heed.
I mean, it's either listen to what she says or end up as shark chow.
Your call.

Professional shark diver, @andriana_marina, shared a clip in which she showed herself swimming away from a tiger shark that is following her from a distance.
In a narration over the clip, Andriana explained why she was being tailed by the aquatic creature.
"As I'm swimming away from this Tiger Shark, you can see that she continues to follow me." she said.
"Swimming away from a shark like this can cause them to be a lot more interested in you, because it signals to them that you're prey or something that is yet to be chased."

In the footage, a rear view shot from Andriana shows that the shark is indeed drawing closer.
Fortunately, she's no amateur and knows how to keep the hunter at bay.
Andriana said: "The best thing to do in this scenario is to stand your ground and make eye contact with the shark."
At this point, she turns back towards the creature, who then promptly steers off course and heads away from her.
Andriana explained: "As soon as I do that here, you can see that she loses interest in me."
For added caution, Andriana also urges people to only dive with sharks once accompanied by a 'trained diver'.
You don't need to tell me twice.

In fact, you don't need to tell me at all. Because I won't be doing that.
Diver or no diver.
And TikTok commenters were equally as uncertain about venturing into the ocean, even with Andriana's expert advice.
One commented: "Me and sharks have a agreement, they stay off the land and I stay the hell out the water, simple. [sic]"
Another wrote: "I would not be able to dive with sharks.. All of this advise would go out the window and then I'm shark food."
While some commenters took a more direct route to resolve the issue at hand, as many suggested not diving with sharks to begin with.
They might be onto something with that.
But Andriana seems to know her sharks, so fair play to her.